I think a lot of the problem is because so many people have totally turned their kids over to the schools--if you're gonna let the school raise your kids you've got to think they'll do a great job. Hence the deification of teachers. If teachers are just a changing part of a kid's life, then the parents are responsible and have to do the work--and WAY too many aren't willing to.

Posted by TW at November 18, 2004 02:42 PM

oh don't get me started on THAT one, tw. i could go on forever on THAT one. oh, and working moms? that's not a slam to you!

there are good sahm's. there are bad sahm's.

there are good working moms. there are bad working moms.

Posted by stacey at November 18, 2004 03:28 PM

Oh, I know you didn't. There are so many parents, fathers and mothers, working and at home, who would rather do anything than raise their own kids. I just don't understand why they went to all the hassle of having them (jeez, labor and childbirth, at least in my experience, isn't my preferred way to kill several hours or days) if they then don't want to have anything to do with them.

Posted by TW at November 19, 2004 12:15 AM

I keep biting my fingers trying not to get involved in this discussion... There was a REASON I pulled Kel out and homeschooled her for two years after the abomination that was fifth grade and the teachers that made up that grade who were tenured. They're practically BLEEDING! ;)

Posted by Keri at November 19, 2004 10:41 PM

I could tell you the story of a man who taught me and my sisters who thought you could thump intelligence into children. Why do these people go into teaching? Must be the long holidays.

Posted by Anji at November 20, 2004 09:26 AM
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