Comments: Sometimes, There's Only One Way

Woops. In this day and age, I guess it's lucky that's all they were wavin' at you. Glad you are safe, Bill.

Posted by Keri at March 29, 2005 12:16 AM

It is a mandatory part of Driver's Ed in Smalltown, Texas to learn the intricacies of the two-finger wave while still holding onto the steering wheel. When passing another Bubba or Bubbette, it is downright rude to ignore this rule of the road. If you see it in MegaPlex City, Texas, you know you have encountered a lost or misplaced citizen of Smalltown.

To explain the wave:

Place both hands firmly on the upper part of the steering wheel rim. Keeping your grip, lift the index and middle fingers of the right hand up and away from the wheel high enough to look like you are ordering two more Shiner beers from the bar. Tilt your head ever so slightly in a tip forward and wait until the other driver has cleared your back bumper before returning to the start position ( if there are multiple cars approaching, you can maintain the wave fairly comfortably for long periods of time. Just don't tilt your head up and down too much, will cause blurred vision and a possible false arrest for suspicion of driving under the influence of too many Shiner's.)

Posted by Cowtown Pattie at March 29, 2005 10:14 PM
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