Comments: The Tow

sounds like you need a new "the Who" sticker

Posted by Karen at August 27, 2003 12:00 AM

And just why did the little white VW bettle with "The Who" sticker on the bumper fail to function when you were driving it? I have come to the realisation that maybe you should not go anywhere near Stacey's little white VW Beetle with "The Who" sticker on the bumper.

Posted by Michelle at August 27, 2003 02:18 PM

ooh. ooh. ooh. funny thing. there was nothing wrong with the white beetle with the who sticker (the sticker that needs to be replaced as "someone" scraped the bumper into another car). it was bill's KEY that failed. he threw them to me in the garage and hit the freezer with them. an electronic key. $158 worth of a key.

Posted by stacey at August 27, 2003 04:27 PM
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