Comments: Predators

Was he a Republican?

The suit, the act -- they all say sociopath. He probably wouldn't go to therapy unless a court ordered him to do so. And the amount of time he'd spend wouldn't nearly be enough.

Posted by Joel at October 21, 2005 05:05 PM

blech. and there are people around here who still think the priest was being framed for the murder of the two young men in the funeral home, too. there are women who are trying to give him and alibi. Even though he's dead. Of suicide. After he said, "If I did anything thing that horrible, I couldn't live with myself." Three days later he killed himself. And the kids coming forward about his molesting himself? Well, they have to be lying of course.

Yeah, that guy was just trying to protect the fourteen year old. No wonder he didn't hire you, Bill. He wears a suit after all. He's married. Lives in a gated community probably...

Posted by Keri at October 24, 2005 10:27 AM

oy. I need coffee. I still can't type. sorry... Must be the subject matter. has me pissed.

Posted by Keri at October 24, 2005 10:28 AM
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