November 06, 2003

Dead Skunk and License Plates

The rhododendron rhodedendren rhodedendron roadadendren rodadhendron bush thing outside the front door is flowering. I'd post a picture, but I don't know how to work Stacey's (she's "the wife" from an earlier post, in case you've found it difficult to follow things) fairly new digital camera (with the 600-page instruction pamphlet), let alone know how to download pictures and then edit them with some programs with their gobs of directions.

And let me say this. I was in court all morning sitting around. I did look at a Burger King security videotape for about 10 minutes. Satellite photos from space are sharper and cleaner than a security videotape. Or is there a reason for the difficulty in telling if the image is a man or a woman or a great dane? Oh, Justice is swift. Justice is blind.

So, what did I do for the remaining hours? I re-counted some stuff that occurred on the drive down to the Justice Center. On the highway, I saw car driven by a woman (not that the sex of the driver has anything to do with this, but it might) with a vanity license plate: I MK U C. I don't understand what it means. What does it say? What does it stand for? What was she trying to tell us? How can I go to sleep not knowing? Please, dear Reader, help this poor, pathetic bastard understand. The world is far too complicated for me.

And earlier in my journey to the big city, I was driving on a country road, where three huge housing developments are going in, well back of the car in front of me. I could see up ahead a poor creature waddling across the road; and I, without resorting to radar guns and physics calculations, could tell that the small animal would cross the yellow line and come into my lane of traffic just as the car in front of me would be fast approaching. The driver of the car ahead (whose gender I did not know) must have seen the small black-furred animal crossing. I thought I spotted something like a yellowish-white streak on the animal. I would have swerved to avoid it if I was approaching.

The driver ahead of me did not swerve. And it was, indeed, a skunk.

Posted by Bill at November 6, 2003 02:12 PM

You are killing me here. You are suppose to be black... she's suppose to be grey. The pressure is too much, man!

I fixed it!!

Posted by: d at November 6, 2003 02:15 PM

thanks for the introduction.

Posted by: stacey at November 6, 2003 02:36 PM

I Make You See
Optometrist or other eye doctor maybe?

I am sure you actually knew this but for those who may stumble across it and not here it is. My old optometrist(I am sure I am not spelling that right, too lazy to check though) had a vanity plate that read IHLPUC (I help you see)

Posted by: Jeff A at November 6, 2003 03:56 PM

ICNCMN was the plate on the car in front of us at Culvers tonight. Any ideas on that one? Wisconsin plates. Mini van. Butterfly and I were guessing and guessing as we sat there waiting for our food. And then we followed them for the next ten minutes after getting our food. Never had any clues to what it was, though.

Our best guess as we're on the WI/Minnesota border... I See and See Minnesota...

Posted by: Crazy Girl at November 6, 2003 07:51 PM

Those clever vanity plates make me barf. I never even try to figure them out. The only one I ever saw that I liked was this one: 3M TA3, as read thru a rear-view mirror.

Posted by: Suzette at November 6, 2003 09:43 PM

Wow! my life is back on track now that Bill is in the black....


Posted by: d at November 7, 2003 01:06 AM

I hate vanity plates. I once witnessed a porcupine being hit by a car. It was a huge one and the quills went shooting into all directions. The poor thing.

Posted by: Michelle at November 7, 2003 05:55 AM

The title of this post just cracked me up. Classic.

Posted by: TW at November 7, 2003 10:31 AM

poor skunk :'(

Posted by: mark at November 7, 2003 11:16 AM

Oh I thought is was something like I'm OK, you see. Like her friends and family were concerned she was a nutcase and she proved she was not by getting a vanity plate stating so.
I never was very good at decoding those plates.

Posted by: Tuesday at November 8, 2003 10:01 PM