November 08, 2003

Campers, It's Cold Out There

I discovered the clicker, the silver-colored Comcast clicker, which recently replaced the old style black plastic clicker similar to the one in the family room, in a remote corner of the bed. The clicker, a new digital style with a built-in microchip brain, in self-preservation mode, slipped down to the end of the bed and plunged over the southwest corner, only to be concealed in the tucked-in sheet. The clicker has been returned to service without further incident.

Temperature: Like -5 C
Window Condition: Open
Fan Operation: Running on Medium speed
Dog Position: Under covers

I broke out the Joe Boxer flannel boxer shorts, choosing the light-blue-with-dogs-that-look-like-pit-bulls print and a heavy Old Navy corduroy shirt because little tiny snow flakes are falling.

I wish we would have seen Finding Nemo on the big screen. The J-Dogg is away for the weekend; so, we picked up the movie at *shudder* Blockbuster. Very cool, except were we supposed to like that Marlin dude, the father? Couldn't they find someone other than Albert Brooks? I was rooting for the sea gulls near the end. And Crush was the best. Dude.

So, I will make the trip cross-county, wondering if there is snow at higher elevations, to Krispy Kreme, which is becoming something of a Saturday morning habit for somebody. I am ready for the sugar rush, bringing a Diet Mountain Dew along to wash it down. You gotta cut down where you can.

Posted by Bill at November 8, 2003 09:44 AM

Thank dog you found it. I was worried that we would have a full scale war of outrageous proportions flaring up. You could always buy a cheap cell phone to tie around it and when you loose The Clicker, you can just phone it.

Posted by: Michelle at November 8, 2003 01:56 PM

Or a cheaper cordless and when you lose it, just page it. Good idea, Michelle! But you have to remember to keep it charged, then... Hmmm.

Posted by: Crazy Girl at November 8, 2003 02:58 PM

Just be glad it isn't like the clickers in Runaway. Those "evil chips" get me every time.

...we need to pick more popular movies to allude to. Not that I really know whether or not Runaway (1984, Tom Selleck, Kirstie Alley. Sgt. Jack Ramsey is a cop who doesn't like to follow orders, and must fight robots programmed to do one thing -- Kill!) was a popular movie. I was 3 for chrissakes. Just lay off, okay!? God!

Posted by: matt at November 9, 2003 02:08 AM

As it had a built-in microchip brain, how come it got lost?

Posted by: Anji at November 9, 2003 04:08 AM