November 11, 2003

I Want to Be a Living Will

Discussion has abounded about living wills and durable powers of attorney for health care, both of which can control your destiny and bring about your demise if you have a medical emergency or long term problem and are comatose, like that woman in a vegetative state in Florida, whose fate is now in the hands of the governor of Florida. Hell, they got problems in Florida counting votes, let alone making life and death choices.

I'm not giving legal advice here. I don't have a living will or durable power of attorney for health care. Why? Because I have the greatest faith in modern medicine; and I don't want anybody to turn off the life support, cremate me, and then announce the next day that they found a cure for what was ailing me.

Keep the machines on. If you really want to, take one of my kidneys to keep yourselves happy.

How did I get on this morbid subject, you ask? Or maybe you didn't ask and don't care, which is more likely, since you're probably at work trying to look like you're busy. I was driving this morning and noticed an ambulance with lights ablaze and sirens ablare. I dutifully pulled over to the curb. The ambulance was operated by Donald Martens & Sons Funeral Home, Inc., which was written right there on the side of the ambulance.

I add this to my instructions: Do not ever allow me to be transported to the emergency room by an ambulance operated by a funeral home!

Posted by Bill at November 11, 2003 09:13 AM

I ponder over which music I'd like them to play. Aretha Franklin would be there somewhere (to wake them up)

Posted by: Anji at November 11, 2003 09:22 AM

Interesting subject. I should hope that if I am in a state like the woman in Florida, that my wife shall make the choice to let me pass. If however, I am sitting up conversing and she pulls the plug, I shall be angry evermore.

As to the ambulance, that is quite odd. Bet they don't hire a crack staff, instead taking in the ones who failed anatomy!

Posted by: Jay at November 11, 2003 09:23 AM

I am adding that to my list of instructions now!

Posted by: Jeff A at November 11, 2003 09:32 AM

Holy Cow.

Posted by: Crazy Girl at November 11, 2003 10:27 AM

If you don't have a healthcare proxy, then you get the benefit of everything that modern medicine has to offer. Living wills are an advantage for those who cannot speak for themselves but wish to limit the measures they want, such as feeding tubes,respirators, etc.

And if you do choose a healthcare proxy to carry out your wishes, amke sure they understand what it is you want AND ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH IT. Don't assume that your spouse will honor your wishes.

Florida acts on the premise that since that woman did not write out her preferences that she wanted everything posssible done. Note that her husband is the one who is pushing to terminate services. Without a document, there is only his (self-serving?) word for what her wishes were.

Learn a lesson: if you do no want to be maintained, make a legal document that states very specifically waht you do and do not want. If you don't, you get everything. And there's no use putting in an "unless" clause - there's no such thing. Once the measures are started (like a respirator), the go on forever. Modern medicine can keep you technically alive long after you run out of brain function and money.

Now all the lawyers can thank me for driving buisness their way. I'm going out now to get a tattoo on my chest that says "DO NOT RESUSITATE".

Posted by: Suzette at November 11, 2003 11:14 AM

1. The fneral home operates an ambulance... ah, I think NOT!

2. Do you really not have a living will or health care proxy? Really?


Posted by: d at November 11, 2003 08:30 PM

Good job pulling over. (^:

Lol and what a racket! It's one hell of a great way to make more business for yourself.

Posted by: matt at November 12, 2003 05:45 PM