November 11, 2003


we dropped off beagle scout at the vet yesterday for her "fix." and removal of dew claws (aka vein-ripping talons). sheba louise (scout's auntie mama) was FREAKED when we left the house without her. the last couple of times we took a dog out of the house without sheba, the dog we took never returned. i know, i know -- she's a dog. but what do you think? was she worried we did to scout what we did to the big betsy AND crazy cocoa (i can't find bill's old golf-blogger archives to link to the cocoa story)? i heard her whimpering yelps from the garage. jackson reports that she ran to his room, whining and barking for his attention to something.

anyway, we're missing the baby like crazy. we're picking her up at 4:30 today. can't wait. sheba seems to be over it, though. bitch.

Posted by Stacey at November 11, 2003 09:44 AM

Devil Dog only has one of those dew claws and it never really seemed to bother him (notice I didn't say me) so we never had it taken care of. I do believe that the next time we have him in for the old chest x-ray to have his heart looked at and his teeth cleaning done, however, I might have that sucker taken care of. Good plan. Vein-ripping talons is right.

Hugs to beagle scout on her return. Sweet baby.

Posted by: Crazy Girl at November 11, 2003 10:31 AM

Hope scout comes through OK and sheba feels relieved to get scout home.

Posted by: TW at November 11, 2003 11:21 AM

You mean that "fix." And "dew claws" weren't just euphamisms, and she *really* is coming home?

Holy god I hope that they remove the hyperactive biting organ also. (^;

Just kidding...she's a cutie.

I just said cutie. Someone get my gun.

Posted by: matt at November 11, 2003 02:20 PM