November 11, 2003

Respect for Canadians

I have seen Niagara Falls. I have seen the American Falls turned off for re-tooling, something that the Canadians haven't been able to do.

I have been to Toronto a few times. I was supposed to go to Montreal with my son's high school hockey team, but his Catholic school would not give them any kind of school credit, even though they were visiting a church there. Bummer. The Canadian schools got credit just for playing in the tournament.

And I played baseball in Detroit -- that's almost in Canada.

Oh, yeah .. the J-dogg and I got lost a few years ago in Canada and ended up in Brantford, Ontario -- I'll take the blame on that one, though. The boy, age 10, said that maybe we should stop and get a map. Imagine that. Maps ... in Canada.

Canada -- oh, yes. That's what I was talking about. I am in awe of Canadian scientists and have even greater respect today for them than ever before. I thought that Canadian scientists went along just for a ride in the space shuttle. I know Canadian scientists test the resiliency of frozen vs. unfrozen pucks, since that is ver-r-r-r-ry important up there in the Great White North (especially in Brantford, where the Great One grew up -- I was treading on holy ground at the petrol station asking for a map).

In any event, oh, yes ... Canadian scientists -- great respect, awe, admiration. It turns out that Canadian scientists, doing fundamental research, discovered that fish fart.

Posted by Bill at November 11, 2003 01:04 PM

...for some odd reason after reading this post I cannot get the "Blame Canada" song from South Park: The Movie out of my head...

Posted by: btezra at November 11, 2003 02:46 PM

Canada is north of here, right?? At any rate I am stunned that there research has led them to the conclusion posited in your post. Just when you think that the only reason Canada is not invaded by Nova Scotia is because of our prescence, they pull this out of the bag.

Posted by: Jay at November 11, 2003 02:46 PM

Well, sure. Isn't that what makes the waves in the ocean?

Posted by: Philip at November 11, 2003 10:37 PM

What a pity I don't do 'conversation' with my marine biologists any more.

Posted by: Anji at November 12, 2003 12:47 AM

dude, we KNOW what is really important

Posted by: jenB at November 12, 2003 12:24 PM