November 11, 2003


edited: i spent a lot of time tonight searching for an explanation of this. i learned that it's called a "solar pillar." bill and i agree that what we saw was so much more spectacularly defined than any photo we found on the internet. i'm putting a camera in my car right now!

early saturday evening, bill and i headed out to starbucks and then pizza. we happened to catch the most amazing sunset i've ever seen. ever. the first (i'm sure this is normal) thing we noticed was the red light from the sun reflecting off the not-yet-fallen leaves on the top of the high trees. looked like the trees were on fire. amazing. we were heading east at that point.

turned south a couple minutes later. this is what we saw:


ok. ok. i never pretended to be an artist. i'm sure you "get the picture." teehee.

but seriously, it was a thin (discrete) red beam of light emanating from the point of the sun falling below the horizon across the sky. we pulled off the road into a field and watched as it shortened and finally disappeared. i've watched a lot of sunsets and have never seen this before.

then there was the eclipse that night that we could not see. heavy cloud cover in cleveland area. did anybody else see this? if you did and understand the science of it, please explain it to me.

Posted by Stacey at November 11, 2003 03:39 PM

I noticed a similarly spectacular sunset last Thursday evening. I wonder if it has something to do with that whopper of a solar flare that the sun shot off early last week?

Posted by: Jennifer at November 11, 2003 04:40 PM

I was going to mention the solar flare too.

Posted by: Anji at November 12, 2003 12:49 AM