November 15, 2003



i knew it would be a "kitchen day" when i saw lucy had posted a recipe for jambalaya. i knew bill couldn't refuse that opportunity. and that he couldn't resist the opportunity to "play with" the recipe.

you see every year, he mixes up a batch of a seasoning mix that we like to call "wild bill's cajun season blend." we package it up and distribute to friends and family. it is HOT. and while we're mixing up his magic blend of every possible kind of pepper, salt, onion and garlic powder, cumin, salt, and i think a couple other spices, a cloud settles inside the house so thick that we have to keep the dogs outside for hours for their own good.

so, after our saturday morning starbucks, we headed to costco for cajun sausage, shrimp, peppers, onions, celery, and a lot of other stuff we DIDN'T need. we needed goodies for the ohio state game; so while i set to frying up some ravioli, he gets going on the jambalaya.

it SMELLS like heaven. but it's not made for me. i know this because not only can i not eat more than one bite due to the heat content, but because i made the mistake of swallowing that ONE FREAKING BITE, my throat continues to burn two HOURS after the experiment. and i am the only one who'll eat the shrimp. they'll eat everything else. forget it. i'm not going near it. we'll have to freeze what's left -- mark likes shrimp.

hrmph. there's like a gallon of this heavenly SMELLING concoction and NOTHING FOR ME TO EAT!

Posted by Stacey at November 15, 2003 08:07 PM

That is so cruel!

Posted by: deb at November 15, 2003 09:17 PM

See my comment below

Posted by: Anji at November 16, 2003 05:43 AM

Hey, so that was you at costco yesterday!! LOL I did the same thing, but hit costco and then starbucks. LOL

Posted by: kathy at November 16, 2003 02:10 PM