November 16, 2003

They Live!

Clonaid is in the news, again, folks. You recall that the Raelians, a group of lunaticsreligious order that was founded by a former race car driver after he was annointed the world's savior by beings from outer space he met one day on his way to the office, which has caused some skepticism among scientists and ordinary mortals, supported Clonaid in its effort to clone humans. Some French doctor named Brigitte claimed to have cloned humans, but we never got to see or meet the clones, which has caused some skepticism among scientists and ordinary mortals. Now, Brigitte says she has discovered the fountain of youth derived from stem cells harvested from cloned embryos, which will extend the lifespan of humans from 50 to 70 years, which has caused some skepticism among scientists and ordinary mortals. The bottom line is that you apparently must eat your cloned self to achieve this end.

Ann Margret did her thing rolling around in baked beans back in '75 in the movie version of Tommy. I would rather watch Ann Margret than some guy, who stole the idea from The Who's Roger Daltrey, renowned for rolling around with monkeys' nuts in London streets, claiming to be supporting British culture by sitting in baked beans with four dozen sausages wrapped around his head. Baked beans. Really. Sausages. Really. And, oh yeah, French fries up his nose. Really. There's a picture.

And what is more amazing than the fact postal workers found a four-foot-long alligator gnawing its way out of its package while being shipped from Milwaukee to Colorado is the fact that shipping alligators, unlike shipping human limbs, is legal. Well, not four-foot-long alligators, but a slight measurement error can be to blame here. I am, however, disappointed in the news account because I want to know the name of the lady who shipped the alligator. It had to be a woman. Don't you think that, with the way the postal service delivers the mail, the four-foot-long alligator, already more than a little upset by being wrapped up like a piece of chuck roast, would be hungry after its 7-to-10-day trip to Colorado, where I do not think alligator food is plentiful. What a surprise her ex-husband would have gotten!

Posted by Bill at November 16, 2003 09:17 AM

**light bulb goes off**

I must get to the post office right away, oh wait, after a quick trip to the zoo!


Posted by: d at November 16, 2003 09:26 AM

Do you think that the human limbs would be shipped ahead of the allegator in case it felt hungry?

Posted by: Anji at November 17, 2003 01:12 AM