November 17, 2003

Another 15 Billion Reasons to Vote Against Bush

I stopped by Biting Nails and went to the link about Bono and the new P.M. of Canada. The specter of AIDS in Africa was the subject of part of Bono's speech.

I heard a statistic the other day. Fully one-fourth of all women, ages 20 to 29, in South Africa have AIDS. South Africa has more cases of AIDS than any country in the world. Maybe this figure is more alarming and terrifying to me because I'm acquainted with someone in South Africa.

Do you recall that George Bush the Lesser went to Africa for a photo opportunity, trying to take our minds off the Iraqi situation? (And by the way, in addition to the 17 dead in the collision of two helicopters apparently due to one of them being fired upon, two more Americans were killed today -- maybe it's time for another list of dead military men and women, whose families will not be celebrating Thanksgiving with the joy and good feeling that should be associated with the holiday.)

On that visit to Africa, George II, with necktie off and sleeves rolled up, working hard, pledged 15 billion American dollars to Africa to fight AIDS. I checked on whether the money has been appropriated by the Republican President, Republican-controlled Senate, and the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

NO. I almost forgot. People of color ...

And they don't vote here.

Posted by Bill at November 17, 2003 02:11 PM

Do folks who don't vote in this country really matter? They do? Wow, who would have known. Hmm...from what I see on a daily basis I wouldn't think that anything existed outside our country--except for some places to shoot up periodically.

Posted by: TW at November 17, 2003 02:53 PM

And you know at least one healthy woman in South Africa LOL. Yeah Bill, the stats are shocking. Nelson Mandela is trying so hard to educate the people of colour about using condoms and is using his prison number 46664 to bring about change. His website is and donations will all go to help educate people about HIV and Aids.

Posted by: Michelle at November 17, 2003 03:05 PM