November 18, 2003

Fine Wines

I ended up in the section of the local grocery store displaying the extensive wine selection, only because I was passing through to the soft drink section until something caught my eye, something from my teenage years when, on weekends, I was invariably invited by the jocks to join them at the local garbage dump landfill to get wasted on cheap wine, cherry vodka, and stolen beer. I never took them up on the offer, having had some bad experiences with the group a few years earlier when several of them were arrested, while I was hiding up in a tree, for breaking into the local bottling plant and stealing all the 7-Up they could carry. My taste for 7-Up has suffered since then -- and I haven't climbed a tree for a long time -- and I didn't like hanging with that group, dork that I was at the time.

Anyway, what caught my eye? The M-D 20/20. Something new in the M-D 20/20 arsenal. M-D 20/20 Bling-Bling Blue Raspberry, fortified with 18% alcohol, outside the legal definition of wine. So, after decades at the low end of the totem pole of wine enthusiasts and favorite of junior high and high schoolers everywhere, Winery Mogen David of Westfield, NY, figuring that youngsters won't be able to ante up the $2.99 for its "Mad Dog" in today's bleak economic times, introduced Bling-Bling Blue Raspberry at 99 cents per bottle, way less than a bottle of Robitussin.

Thank you, mother-fucking marketing department at Mogen David.

Posted by Bill at November 18, 2003 04:41 PM

Mmmmm, Maddog, the breakfast of champions! I feel sorry for the teen who buys that and drinks the whole thing, I remember those morning-after-maddog-binges, and they were not pretty!

Posted by: Jeff A at November 18, 2003 06:13 PM

I have a suspicion that MD considers any wine-type liquid to be vintage if older than last week.

Posted by: Philip at November 18, 2003 10:11 PM

I had Cherry vodka once, you can't get it here.

Posted by: Anji at November 19, 2003 02:38 AM

I am impressed with the different ways you find to get out of trouble - especially from the cops. And you became a lawyer because? ;-)

Posted by: Michelle at November 19, 2003 07:48 AM

Hmmm...I had MD 20/20 at a social in college, and I actually liked it. Until the next morning.

Posted by: TW at November 19, 2003 10:56 AM

a 20 oz. bottle of Diet Pepsi costs more than that and it's not even blue.

Posted by: Suzette at November 19, 2003 12:21 PM

Mogen David - is that the awful kosher wine? And their later-ego is Mad Dog? I guess they wanted multiple market coverage. Maybe I should get some of that bling bling stuff for my mother. She has had the same dusty bottle of Mogen David wine in her cupboard since 1975 - she might like a change.

Posted by: Suzette at November 19, 2003 12:24 PM

Just thinking about MD makes my stomach heave.

Posted by: Tuesday at November 20, 2003 12:26 PM

You all are just a bunch of FUCKIN HATERS! Downing something just because the next man is.......MD doesn't have "Please Drink Me" on the label does it? You bunch of Fuckin Wanna B'sssss!

Posted by: Kamicaze at January 16, 2004 09:30 PM

quite possibly the worst 'wine' ever, although i haven't tried thunderbird. it's designed specifically for the 12-16 year old market. tastes vile but it gets you pissed.

Posted by: jack at January 23, 2004 07:36 PM

mad dogs briil a love it

Posted by: stewart from scotland at March 24, 2004 03:38 PM