November 19, 2003


"We can't turn a blind eye to oppression just because that oppression is not in our own backyard," he said. "Who will say that Iraq was better off when Saddam Hussein was strutting and killing, or that the world was safer when he held power?"

hmmm. let’s see. can you name the last 4 presidents? including dear old dad, who went in, destroyed, and left? without getting rid of saddam? hmmm.

are we heroes because NOW we have decided to rid the world (at least iraq) of this evil man. why did we support him for so long, george? why? and why do you continue to support existing evil rulers all over the globe? oh, i’m sure that when it suits your own political/financial purposes, you’ll decide it’s time to destroy another country for the sake of ridding that nation of one more evil man. and expect to be treated like the righteous hero you think you are.

so we can’t “turn a blind eye,” huh? we can’t? seems to me we’re pretty good at that. the best.

Posted by Stacey at November 19, 2003 02:55 PM

We may have been good in the past, but we can't afford to do it ever again in the future. Every time we turn a blind eye, we get blind-sided.

WWII - Pearl Harbor
Terrorists - WTC on 9/11

Can't afford to do it again. From now on: Pre-empt it.

Next up: Syria or Iran. Pacifists get ready. It's us or them.

Posted by: ....a moment with Easycure at November 19, 2003 04:04 PM

E.Z Cure --

We denied Japan oil and food we had been supplying to its people, much like what was done to N. Korea by Bush, which led to the re-generation of its nuclear weapons program. I hope we learned from the Japan lessons. I think we have -- we have bigger bombs now.

"The terrorists have a purpose, a strategy to their cruelty. They view the rise of democracy in Iraq as a powerful threat to their ambitions. In this, they are correct. They believe their acts of terror against our coalition, against international aid workers and against innocent Iraqis will make us recoil and retreat. In this, they are mistaken." GWB said this today -- I thought the terrorist-Iraq connection had been de-bunked and admitted as such by Bush. Why does he continue on this Crusade?

"And by advancing freedom in the greater Middle East, we help end a cycle of dictatorship and radicalism that brings millions of people to misery and brings danger to our own people. The stakes in that region could not be higher." GWB said this today -- I'm wondering about Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the other dictatorships supported by the U.S.A. -- what happens to these "good" dictators under George's new plan?

"We affirm the God-given dignity of every person." GWB said this today -- I applaud him.

"Democratic governments" ... "honor the aspirations and dignity of their own people." GWB said this today -- Will this democratic government honor its citizens' preferences in couples' living arrangements, marriage, and sexual preference?

I can go on, but Mark just walked in -- dinner at Stino's!!!!!

Posted by: Billy at November 19, 2003 05:56 PM

I'm waiting to see what happens next. There may be lots of oil in the Congo.

Posted by: Anji at November 20, 2003 02:33 AM

Bill and Stacey - I find it refreshing to find Americans who do not always agree with their President, that its okay to admit when one's country has made a mistake. War does not solve problems, it only compounds it.

I feel that we should not be gullible to what we are told and history has a bad habit of repeating itself.

Posted by: Michelle at November 20, 2003 02:45 AM

And maybe we should quit turning a blind eye to that oppression in our backyards.

Posted by: Tuesday at November 20, 2003 12:07 PM