November 19, 2003

Oklahma! O-K-L-A-H-M-A

Oh, my! Such heavy blog topics.

Late this afternoon, I was driving on I-90, scene of many bungee cord sightings, and spied a tractor-trailer with the license plate number 3612 CW. Oklahma. That's no misprint -- O-k-l-a-h-m-a. Stranger still -- the "plate" was hand-lettered. Nice printing. A little on a slant. But very nice work, nonetheless. I'm going to try that when the VW plates expire in December. Maybe vanity plates. Hmmm. Oklahma plates!

Posted by Bill at November 19, 2003 06:30 PM


Posted by: Charlene at November 19, 2003 06:50 PM