November 20, 2003

Psycho Killer

My pager went off about a half hour ago with a message to call one of the detectives at the local police department immediately. The message to call wasn't unusual, but the immediately part was; so, I called him. Here's the story.

A former client, from whose case I withdrew about six months ago, told his counselor at the V.A. clinic that he was going to kill me and the local judge. The counselor called the police. The police raided the guy's house, confiscating all of his weapons and ammo, and were trying to get in touch with his family members to get him admitted. The police will keep me advised as to any developments.

I think I'll give my friend, DT, a call and ask if I can borrow his .44 Magnum, for which I have suddenly developed an affinity.

Posted by Bill at November 20, 2003 02:23 PM

Maybe you need to come HERE to care for Derp!

Keep safe!

Posted by: d at November 20, 2003 02:34 PM

goddamn motherfucking asshole.

Posted by: stacey at November 20, 2003 02:45 PM

How long is the waiting period on gun purchases in Cleveland? I think I'd like a little more firepower. Or wait, the Hunter can send you detailed instructions on blowing peop...uh, THINGS up!

Posted by: TW at November 20, 2003 02:51 PM

Keep safe Bill - at least the police took the threat seriously.

Posted by: Michelle at November 20, 2003 03:10 PM you are welcome to come to Wisconsin. It is nice here. We are nice people. I have a dog, but no ferret. Don't let his nickname (devil dog, hound of hell) frighten you. He's really quite tame. And he doesn't own any firearms. Stacey and Jax are welcome and there is room for all. Stay as long as you like. We'll pick up an extra tofurkey for next week. I'm serious. E-mail if you want a vacation in Wisconsin. It really is quite lovely here. We have Starbucks, too!

Posted by: Crazy Girl at November 20, 2003 03:15 PM

Jesus, it's like an episode of The Practice all of the sudden. Good luck...

Posted by: cw at November 20, 2003 03:45 PM

Yikes! Keep low when you're inside and make sure there's a tree to hide behind when you're outside. Glad that the police are helping you out.

Posted by: pink lotus at November 20, 2003 05:01 PM

Please careful. Some things and some people you just don't want to take chances with.

Posted by: Charlene at November 20, 2003 05:50 PM

Yikes!! Had something similar happen when I worked with Madam. Not fun. Be safe and watch your backs until looney tunes is admitted.

Posted by: kathy at November 20, 2003 08:58 PM

Scout and Derp are trained to kill right?

Seriously...stay safe you guys!

Posted by: Kathy Howe at November 20, 2003 09:55 PM

Well you can come and hide in Europe if you like. All this talk of guns, not nice. I once took a call, when I worked in the bank, a woman phoned and said that she was going to kill the wife of a collegue. It was okay in the end

Posted by: Anji at November 21, 2003 02:29 AM

We have an extra bed you can use if you need a distant hideout. (Serious offer. You must like cats.)

Posted by: Joel at November 21, 2003 03:45 AM

We have an extra bed you can use if you need a distant hideout. (Serious offer. You must like cats.)

Posted by: Joel at November 21, 2003 03:45 AM

That is terrible. One must certainly take all necessary precautions, up to owning a firearm, which people despise until times such as these. Moreover, no one should tell you that it is harmless. It is far from that when a threat is made like this one. My very best wishes.

Posted by: Jay at November 21, 2003 09:08 AM

qu'est que c'est!

Posted by: mark at November 21, 2003 12:26 PM