November 24, 2003

The Odoriferous Ferret

I won't say that he misrepresented the fragrance-generating capacity of the ferret, but I was under the impression that the stink gland was removed. I decided to take the little critter out of his cage, seeing that when I went into Matt & Mark's bedroom (Okay, you know, they don't live here, but it's still their room, no matter how you cut it. Well, yeah, they were in the other bedroom, the one J-dogg now occupies, until they went to college; but when they came home at break, they were in that room, their room. Shut up.), the skinny wax-paper-tube-like mammal looked like he wanted to get out for a little expedition into other parts of the house.

I took him out of the cage, which attracted the attention of the two dogs, who were obviously jealous that I was holding the small furry creature. They each wanted to hold the thing in their mouths. Scout was actually opening her beagle mouth and feigning a grab at the ferret. Sheba just had that expectant look on her boxer face, knowing that I would cave in to her mesmerizing gaze.

Then, as if there was some natural reaction to danger, the ferret let go. All I know is I do not want to run into a ferret with an intact stink gland. I would rather that a family of skunks take their measure of me than one ferret get mildly distressed by a couple of domesticated doggies.

That was quite enough for one week -- back in the cage with the smelly little beast. Hey, now I can blame the ferret.

Posted by Bill at November 24, 2003 01:07 AM

I can see it now... "Ugh, Billy... Excuse yourself!"

"Tweren't me. That was Derp."

"Derp went home three weeks ago."

"Amazing how that stink can linger."

(Yeah, I know how frequently you use the word Tweren't in conversation)...

Posted by: Crazy Girl at November 24, 2003 10:52 AM

Billy, Billy, Billy - you know that we are going to be blamed for the stink, don't you? Either you or I will get the blame. Maybe beagle here too but I doubt it. So keep the cage open, I will get rid of the stink...... I will protect our terrain. I won't let you down Bill.

Posted by: Sheba at November 24, 2003 02:46 PM

When do I get a room?

Posted by: Scout at November 24, 2003 09:42 PM