November 26, 2003


It made sense somewhere in my mind. I know it did. And it wasn't that late when I wrote it for that NaNoWriMo thing:

“they (sic) was a car parked on the road over that way a little ways. That was earlier, Chief. Can’t tell you anything other than the fact that it was a red Ford Taurus, one of the new models, with black tires. There looked to be only one person in it at the time I saw it. Didn’t think anything of it till you just said what you did about rememberin’ things.”

“Thanks,” said Earl. He didn’t think that a red Taurus had anything to do with the murders. He thought it was the CN Tower, from which someone would take the plunge to his or her death.

How did the CN Tower get into the story? And where was my warped mind going with this? Thank dog I fell asleep.

Posted by Bill at November 26, 2003 01:32 AM

I am seriously worried about you *lol*

Posted by: Michelle at November 26, 2003 08:27 AM

Uh yea, sleep can be a good thing!

Posted by: kathy at November 26, 2003 12:11 PM

Wow, that deadline is creeping up so fast! glad you are still going!

Posted by: Crazy Girl at November 26, 2003 10:05 PM

Yea do you know anything more on sleep writng? my friend fell alseep last night while writing a letter and im trying to figure out what it all ment. Email me if you know more plz!

Posted by: Chelsea at May 13, 2004 09:25 AM