November 26, 2003


i hope that you all have a special day, filled with lots of love, laughter, and good food. our thanksgiving will be unusual for us. just bill, jax, and me. jax will be out of the house by 7:30 a.m., delivering meals with an innercity church in cleveland. bill and i probably won't ever get out of our sweats. we'll cook while watching parades and football until jax gets home. then we'll eat. matt and mel are spending the day with mel's parents. mark's in london with his family.

it's wednesday evening right now. i took the day off. bill and i finished our meal shopping, prepared a chocolate cream pie, met jax for lunch, and just had a really nice day. this is the first day before thanksgiving since i don't know when that we haven't gone out to the movies and dinner all together. i'm ok with it. really. and this is the first year i've not made a pumpkin chiffon pie for thanksgiving dessert. we ALWAYS have that and a chocolate cream pie. we made the choc pie and opted for a kind of pumpkin cake that will keep better for the weekend when ...

mark returns home friday night, and matt and mel will be here late saturday afternoon. since we'll all be together in one place at one time, our good friend, dave, is coming over to take a family portrait. i'll probably post the picture over the holidays.

this is a very special thanksgiving for me. it's been a very difficult year (very, very difficult) AND a very special year. we've been through a lot, and we've just grown stronger and closer. we've added a daughter (!) to our family when matt and mel married in august.

i'm just crazy about these people. my children. my husband.

we're all healthy, thank you, god.

tomorrow morning, the phone will start ringing -- i'm sure pj will beat the other three sisters to the punch and make the first call. my three sisters and i will all make sure we've spoken with each other. happy thanksgiving! get your turkey in? watching parades? who's coming? love you.

when mom was alive, she'd be part of the round robin of calls. mom ALWAYS asked, "did you get a butterball?" i never knew why this was so important to her, but it seems that we do all have to have a butterball. bill will ask me (imitating mom, because mom would always ask bill also to confirm after she'd spoken to me that we, indeed, had a butterball) "get a butterball?" i'll be thankful for the giggle we'll get out of that, too.

Posted by Stacey at November 26, 2003 09:32 PM

Have a great weekend, Stacey. I'm crazy about you people, too.

Posted by: Crazy Girl at November 26, 2003 10:06 PM

I'm a little weepy reading this post. I have had a shitty year myself. Like your family, it has been a growing experience in many ways. The saying is true...growth isn't easy. (ha!!! That is to say it in the least!!)

I'm cooking for the first time in years as I am in my own house now, but it is different. The boy child is at his dads (read that as he is spending the week with his g-parents and uncles) and my parents are going to where my brother is camping (bodega bay...where the movie The Birds was filmed). It will just be me, my lovely missy, granny and granny's sister.

Stacey, your family has overcome so much!! I know you will be having a very thankful day even if it is not the norm.

Happy Thanksiving to you and yours, now I must go and figure out why I just looked to little missy and see her NEKKID on the couch with a blanket around her!! LOL

Posted by: kathy at November 26, 2003 11:23 PM

Happy Thanksgiving. I'm sure that the next year will be better.

Posted by: Anji at November 27, 2003 01:45 AM

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Bill and the family. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here but I can appreciate the meaning behind it. So today, I will give thanks for the things which I have in my life and for the people I have come to know in the blogging community. Go well Stacey, you will go from strength to strength and when you least expect it, all the good things you have done, will be returned to you double fold. {{{hugs}}}

Posted by: Michelle at November 27, 2003 02:16 AM

All this American thanksgiving talk on people's blogs is making me totally hungry! Enjoy your feast and have a lovely holiday.


Posted by: jenB at November 27, 2003 12:27 PM

((Stacey)) wishing you and the Nothing But Love crowd a great Thanksgiving and a better year. You all deserve the best. Enjoy.

Posted by: Charlene at November 27, 2003 12:45 PM