November 29, 2003

More Tips From the Kitchen

You would think that International Delights Coffee Creamer plastic containers are not breakable. You would be wrong.

Posted by Bill at November 29, 2003 11:38 AM

Hey.... I already knew this one!

Posted by: d at November 29, 2003 01:39 PM

You're starting to scare me. I think it's because you're beginning to sound like Kathy Howe and her kitchen adventures.

Posted by: Philip at November 29, 2003 03:57 PM

Yep, figured that one out when I worked at 7-11!! LOL

Posted by: kathy at November 29, 2003 07:49 PM

I gave up drinking coffee at home earlier this week. Now I can see that this was a good decision for both health AND safety reasons.

Posted by: Kathy Howe at November 29, 2003 08:00 PM

I think I can break anything in a kitchen. Just give me a tight deadline for fixing a meal and make the item essential for completing the recipe: it can be broken.

Posted by: Joel at November 29, 2003 10:09 PM

Does Stacey go into hiding while all this is going on?

Posted by: Anji at November 30, 2003 08:18 AM