November 30, 2003


In Berlin, a twenty-something guy was arrested for "waddling" out of a store with 177 packs of smokes in his bulging pants.

Apparently, the guy isn't up on his smoking science -- or maybe he is. In any event, smoking has already put him at a disadvantage against the average 60-year-olds. Scientists report -- it's true -- that older guys have twice the sperm count as young "bucks." They say the increase in smoking by pregnant women is the cause. I personally think it's the cell phones and calculators and pagers with their electromagnetic fields that they wear on their belts. Or the extreme increase in chlamydia among teenagers. Or both.

And what's with that term now in use: "sexually-transmitted" diseases? Although more descriptive, consistent with the dumbing down of America, we all knew what "venereal" diseases were; and that phrase and its acronym, "V.D.," scared the bejesus out of us. Not so with the relatively mild "STD," which sounds like a floral delivery service.

Hope your weekend went well.

Posted by Bill at November 30, 2003 03:41 PM

When they got rid of operators in the U.K, S.T.D used to mean Subsciber Trunk Dialling.

Posted by: Anji at December 1, 2003 01:36 AM