December 02, 2003

Beagles Are Not Stupid

We invested in a Beagle. There are pictures elsewhere. When she came into our home, a friend of ours told us that we made a huge mistake. She said that beagles can't be house-trained. She has a beagle. We have not visited there in years. Now that the pig is gone, well ...

People said that beagles stink.

And people told us that beagles were just plain stupid. For instance, they don't come to you when you call them by name. I don't know what else they meant by that, unless it was that they can't be potty-trained house-trained.


Scout lets out a little yelp and sits at the door when she wants to go out. If I don't let her out, she barks loud. I then let her out. No questions asked. (Before I was so well-trained, she used to find me and kick my ass. I have learned my lesson.)

Comparing Sheba, a boxer, and Scout, a beagle, I concluded that neither of them smell bad; and if dog smell is a matter of degree, they are light-years from being as bad as Dr. Cyborg's dogs, last time I checked. This is no reflection upon Dr. Cyborg, just his dogs; and truth be told, I haven't smelled his dogs lately. (I'll check them out when I go over to plan our trip to Houston, which we have put off until late January or early February.)

Scout knows her name. She is not fooled when we call her different names. I kept calling her Betsy, and she shot me very dirty looks until I got it right. And she knows which bowls are hers -- she knocks it all over the kitchen when she wants food; and she shoots me very dirty looks until I get it right.

And the invisible fence? She learned very quickly about the invisible fence and the collar. Last night, she made me take the collar off of her to check to see if the invisible fence was working. It was working. It was a lousy practical joke, if you ask me.

Posted by Bill at December 2, 2003 12:03 PM

I always wanted a beagle.

Posted by: TW at December 2, 2003 12:38 PM

Snoopy wasn't stupid. No way.

Posted by: Crazy Girl at December 2, 2003 05:05 PM

People say that about any animal which they themselves have personally not kept.

They also say it about people who they do not know.

Posted by: Joel at December 2, 2003 06:09 PM

Right On, Joe!

Posted by: Charlene at December 2, 2003 08:08 PM

Joel! (sorry)

Posted by: Charlene at December 2, 2003 08:08 PM

I'm curious to know who taught her to kick you in the ass.

Anyone seen Derp lately?

Posted by: Kathy Howe at December 2, 2003 08:11 PM

My Dad always said you couldn't train a beagle. We sometimes 'fostered' beagles for the hunt and I remember one who always came for a walk with me and my dog. She was so well behaved, much better than my own dog. Then dad explained to me if she became too friendly when the hunt had her back they would destroy her as she would be considered not aggresive enough to hunt. I've always been anti-hunt by the way.

Posted by: Anji at December 3, 2003 02:43 AM

Scout sounds like such a darling.

Posted by: Michelle at December 3, 2003 09:50 AM

beagles DO stink. i can't stand the smell of mine. he is 12.... the damn thing needs to be an OUTSIDE dog. but too old to do that now. the whole house smells of his stinky skin and breath.

never again would i get a stinky beagle. he reeks.

Posted by: danya at December 15, 2003 05:30 PM