December 03, 2003

Deer Hunter

My good friend, DT, e-mailed me late last night. You are acquainted with him if you've been visiting for a while. If not, here's a brief description of DT: I went to college with him. He's a country boy. His brother shot him in the ass with a rifle when he was 16. He's a school teacher. He and his wife have been married 34 years, having married when still in high school. They live on a 110-acre farm in rural Ohio. He taught me to shoot my first gun a year ago. He likes to hunt. He likes the hunting part more than the killing part. He is a liberal Democrat living in a conservative area, which drives him to just this side of lunacy. He is funny. His family is the most important thing in his life. He helped me through a bad time. I admire him. I consider myself blessed to have him as a friend.

I copied the e-mail as is:

we saw about 35 deer on monday. Tuesday we saw one in the woods and I chased a buck all over an open field trying to chase him toward the 2 guys sitting and ended up running my ass off. Sweat like a pig, ended up sitting on my ass with my hat off trying to catch my breath while the fucking deer stood about 200 yards away looking at me like I was a dumb ass. Really pissed me off. Tom was watching with his binoculars and said I was really hauling ass but that was because I was running downhill and couldn't get my fat ass stopped, thought I was going to die. I will be sore as hell tomorrow, but we are going to kill something. we have about 150 acres of corn across the road and I think all the deer we saw on monday are hiding in it. Except for the arrogant son-of-a-bitch I chased tonight. He went back in the woods I chased him out of. I think i will shoot him just on the principle of the thing. Fucker thinks he is smarter than me. Will keep you posted I think I know who is going to win, won't be me. that's why they call it hunting. anything else would just be killing.

It's deer hunting season in Ohio, folks.

Posted by Bill at December 3, 2003 09:09 PM

There's something eerily familiar about this story...

Posted by: TW at December 3, 2003 09:30 PM

I'm rooting for the deer! :) Makes it ever so much more sportin'...

Posted by: Keri at December 3, 2003 11:48 PM

So is DT my dad's long lost twin??? :) They sound a lot alike, except deer season just ended here, and now we are on to the duck killings. Oh, and please, do NOT expect anything from a hunter *during season*!

Posted by: kathy at December 4, 2003 12:10 AM

My brother-in-law told me there are nine hunting seasons in the midwest. True or not, the man's religion is hunting. Must be something in the water.

Posted by: Philip at December 4, 2003 01:03 AM

Sound too much like hard work to me.

Posted by: Anji at December 4, 2003 01:50 AM

How many deer hunters have they taken so far?

Posted by: Joel at December 4, 2003 03:41 AM


"I think i will shoot him just on the principle of the thing. Fucker thinks he is smarter than me."

That is classic!

Posted by: matt at December 5, 2003 11:49 PM