December 04, 2003


i write often and at length about the big things that are important to me and for which i’m extremely grateful. i’m not gonna bore you with that today. today, i’ll bore you with the little things that i appreciate. little products or solutions i’ve discovered.

i started thinking about this list the other day when i discovered on the way home from work that a cold sore (eww), a whopper of a cold sore (ewwwwwww) was “starting” on my lower lip. those of you who suffer from cold sores know EXACTLY what i’m talking about. the tingling. feels like little worms are swimming under your skin. i know – tmi. i used to start right away at the first sign by freezing the afflicted area with an ice cube. don’t know why, but this doesn’t work for me anymore. i remembered that my friend, marg, uses acidophilus as recommended by her pharmacist. i had picked some up a while ago so i’d be ready when i needed it. i took two tablets as she instructed me. within 10 minutes, the “tingling” stopped. completely. it looked better, too. within 10 minutes! by bedtime, it was GONE! to those of us who suffer from cold sores, this is major news. so number one on my list is:

1. acidophilus – as a cold sore treatment – dare i say remedy?
2. number 2 on the list is another treatment / remedy. for night cramps. i get them bad. and not in the usual calf muscle either. that one’s easy to relieve by pulling up your foot. i get them in muscles on the bottom of my foot. on the top of my foot. behind my knee. places where i have no clue which way to move to relieve the muscle tension. i try every way possible, i think, but wind up walking around the bedroom weeping in pain. i eat bananas. a lot. because i know about the potassium “thing.” i drink orange juice before bed. again for the potassium. if i don’t do these things, the frequency of night cramps increases; but i can still feel every night the “possibility” of a cramp if i forget and stretch my toes. somebody told me to take tums. so i do now. two of the big ones. every day. and they’re gone. the cramps. amazing. so that’s why tums (as a muscle cramp treatment) are number 2.
3. bonne bell lip smackers – watermelon. pink lemonade. i can’t live without ‘em. i’m one of those people who has to wear lip balm (or blam as we call it) CONSTANTLY. i’ve tried many, many different brands of blam, but nothing is as good as lip smackers.
4. cover girl under eye concealer (color: illuminator). no big story here, just a warning. do NOT apply right before having your photograph taken. not unless you – or your son – is proficient at photoshop.
5. schwan’s express meals for one. lots of choices. i grab one from the freezer in the garage most mornings to take to work for lunch. really good. very convenient.
6. bath and body works stuff. i love it. bill loves it. my favorite bbw items: red apple foam soap, coconut lime creamy body wash, the soy (i think they’re soy) candles in the glass jars. yummm.
7. starbucks. nuff said.
8. last night bill and i bought a bag of coffee to try. not starbucks. ghirardelli chocolate caramel. haven’t tried it yet, but ohmygod, the smell of the beans in the car was worth the $4.99. looking forward to a cup during dr. phil this evening. which brings me to
9. dr. phil. i know, i know. a lot of you hate him. bummer. too bad. i LOVE him. don’t be dissin’ dr. phil on nbl now.
10. car books. i ALWAYS have to have a book in the car to read while i’m waiting for bill. this habit started when the boys played hockey. rather than sitting in a freezing cold rink talking hockey for hours while the boys practiced, i’d sit in my heated car with a cup of coffee reading. my last car book was “stones from the river” by ursula hegi. loved it. right now i’m reading kurt vonnegut’s “timequake.” am enjoying it IMMENSELY. having a car book allows me the time to really spend with a book as these days often i’ll get only 5 or 10 minutes a day to read in the car. so i wind up thinking about the story a lot while away from the book. if it’s not a “car book,” i’ll finish it much quicker.

ok. sorry. that was much longer than i planned. i wish i could blog short and quick. i’ll work on it. next year.

Posted by Stacey at December 4, 2003 09:55 AM

I always have a "car book" too. It comes in useful at soccer and basketball practices, waits at doctors' offices and pharmacies, when we go on a trip and I forget to bring my current read...all in all it's very useful.

Posted by: TW at December 4, 2003 10:25 AM

this was a lovely and revealing list. i liked it. it also made me want some sort of sweet mocha caramel coffee drinky thingy.

Posted by: jenB at December 4, 2003 11:47 AM

Bonnie Bell? LMAO What am I? Sixteen? That is great! just the name brought back memories. I *think* about the car book when its too late and I'm sitting there pissed about the not having a car book.

Posted by: Charlene at December 4, 2003 12:33 PM

oooooooooo...I like your list! 'specially number 7!

Today my list would look like this:

1. Soda machines. Convenient when you are in need of a fast caffeine fix.

2. My Gene Simmons KISS boots. Comfy, stylish and nice thick soles that can take the snow. Can't beat that.

3. Pay the pump. I will not walk in to stand in line so I can pay a clerk that gives crappy service ever again.

4. Voicemail. Today, everyone goes to voicemail.

5. Aveda Hand Relief. Works great and stinks pretty.

6. My new 22 ounce water bottle. I'm now averaging 66 ounces of water per day.

7. Office Max gel pens. There is not a better pen on the planet trust me on this one, grasshopper.

8. Blog friends. Here and everywhere. You people always know how to make me smile.

9. Carmax. My dryer hates it, I love it.

10. Aussie Leave-In Conditioner. I don't think I can live without it.

Posted by: Kathy Howe at December 4, 2003 05:13 PM

OMG..I get those same kinda cramps all-the-time. Those suck!! The calf kind and the kind where your toes get all cramped up and it hurts on the tops of your foot and into your toes. The only thing that works is massage. I'll definitely have to try the TUMS. Schwan's rocks! I love their ice cream.

Posted by: JaxVenus at December 5, 2003 12:50 AM

I have a 'waiting room book' as I seem to take the bus more nowadays. What are Tums, I've heard of them. I wonder if we can get them in Europe. As a family, you must smell lovely!

Posted by: Anji at December 5, 2003 01:27 AM

Dr. Phil.... Dr. Phil.... Dr. Phil....

I'd say more but I know how you don't like people trash talking the ol' goon!

Posted by: d at December 8, 2003 12:38 AM