December 04, 2003

Folsom Prison Blues

Mr. ***** ****
No. ******
****** Correctional Institution
*******, OH 44044

Dear ******:

As you know, I filed the motion for judicial release on your behalf despite the fact that you indicated to me while the deputy sheriff had his hands around your throat and was holding you against the wall and off the floor that I was fired. I thought that the stress of being sent to prison for six months had caused you to go berserk in the hallway after sentencing, which required three deputies to subdue you and carry you down three flights of steps, and which caused you to say some intemperate racial remarks to the deputies, in addition to other things to the deputies and to me.

The motion for your early release was denied. I realize that this was your first offense, although it did involve the theft of well over 200 DVDs and CDs from local libraries, which are supported by taxpayers; however, you did have a lengthy list of misdemeanor convictions for much the same thing, which obviously impressed the judge negatively. In addition, the judge was aware of your demeanor in the hallway inasmuch as he had to adjourn proceedings because of the disruption. This also had a negative impact upon the judge. You are quite fortunate that you were not charged with several counts of assault upon law enforcement officers, which would have been very serious and would have carried mandatory prison terms had you been convicted.

I wish you success in your rehabilitation.

Very truly yours,


Posted by Bill at December 4, 2003 12:42 PM

The world is full of interesting people.

Posted by: TW at December 4, 2003 05:48 PM

You always sound so calm.

Posted by: Anji at December 5, 2003 01:28 AM

"I wish you success in your rehabilitation."

heh, at least you ended that on a positive note


Posted by: todd at December 5, 2003 10:20 PM