December 05, 2003

It's For Women?

Scene: Bath & Body Works
Time: Present Day

Billy: I have a bottle of shower gel and the dispenser top won't open. Do you have a top laying around to replace it.
Stupid Girl: Men's or Women's
Billy: Ummm ... what do you mean?
Idiot Girl: Men's or women's shower gel?
Billy: Ummm ... what do you mean?
Dumbass Girl: Men's shower gel or women's shower gel?
Billy: I didn't know you had such things. I really don't know. It's coconut lime shower gel. Over there.
Bitch: That's for women.
Billy: Gee, I never knew that it was for women.
Stupid Bitch: It is.
Billy: I use it all the time.
Dumb Bitch: Er ... just bring it back and we'll replace it.

So, what difference did it make if it was "for women?"

Posted by Bill at December 5, 2003 04:03 PM

More importantly, Dumb Bitch didn't answer the question at hand... She must be a lawyer in training!


Posted by: -d at December 5, 2003 04:11 PM

You shoulda asked for her lid.

She clearly isn't using it.

Posted by: Kathy Howe at December 5, 2003 04:12 PM

Rob goes for coconut too

Posted by: Anji at December 6, 2003 02:43 AM

strong enough for a man, but ph balanced for a woman.

Posted by: tj at December 6, 2003 09:30 AM

If the container was pink, that makes it "specially formulated for a woman".

Actually, I think coconut lime should be gender neutral.

Posted by: Busy Mom at December 8, 2003 01:24 PM