December 08, 2003

The Deer Hunter

Deer-hunting season with shotguns and deer rifles has come to an end, and my friend, DT, concluded his unsuccessful quest for the big buck he spotted before the season began, reporting to me by e-mail from rural central Ohio:

From: DT
To: Billy
Sent: December 6, 2003, 4:11 p.m.

Damn near got run over this morning. 12 does and a buck just came out of nowhere. the buck was nice but wouldn't let me shoot him. Kid I been taking hunting got a little six point. but no luck the rest of the day. Deer kill in the county is way down. Still got muzzle loader season, that's my favorite, so will get rested up for that. Lee is PISSED cause I am going to run for county commissioner again, big time Pissed!!!!!! She won't tell me why, she says I promised but that was the night of the election and she caught me in a moment of weakness. Have to decide for sure by tuesday.

To: DT
From: Billy
Sent: December 6, 2003, 10:12 p.m.

Go for it, dude. But buy her a present. Too bad about the deer. At this point, you cannot convince me that you like to shoot the deer. You just like being outside and running around and sliding -- hey, that sounds like baseball -- you used to strike out a lot there too. HAHAHAHA :^)

From: DT
To: Billy
Sent: December 7, 2003, 7:36 p.m.

It is a lot like baseball. You are still a wiseass. Byte me! I really do like hunting better than killing the deer. I actually think they are cute, keep that one to yourself please. They are fun to watch. I should hunt with a camera. Had Jr. Miss stuff today. one of the girls is from Wapak and Buck is her counselor. Might get them to come down in Feb. that would be a blast. Will keep you posted. Did you miss the snow we got about 2 inches was fun hunting with it on the ground. Could have shot a big buck, but only ever saw his eye and rack. Sneaky Fucker.

I'd say another successful gun-hunting season ended for DT.

Posted by Bill at December 8, 2003 12:17 AM

I have a friend that hunts with a camara... they are beautiful pictures!


Posted by: d at December 8, 2003 12:37 AM

Dear DT. Now that Billy did not keep it to himself about "I actually think they are cute, keep that one to yourself please" and that everyone on the www who reads his blog now knows, I think you should take up paintballing. Shoot the deer with a paintgun - you may have a better chance of hitting something with a splosh of brightly coloured paint.

Posted by: Michelle at December 8, 2003 07:22 AM