December 08, 2003

Deprived As a Child?

We were wandering through Costco a couple weeks back, getting turkeys and stuff, and there was a huge display for the Hasbro Easy-Bake Oven. I didn't know that the oven was still being marketed after all these years. My sister had one. I think that's why she's a vegetarian. The hamburger took several hours to cook.

On NPR this morning, there was a story about the Easy-Bake Oven.

And I read a couple posts on a certain website and got to wondering whether the writer needs to start small. After all, she nearly burned down half of the upper Midwest trying to make popcorn.

Did our friend, KathyHowe, own an Easy-Bake Oven when she was a young girl? It's just a theory, mind you, but I believe that she was deprived of the joy of cooking brownies and the satisfaction of sharing an English muffin pizza with her Chatty Kathy doll when she was in her formative years.

But there is still hope for anyone who was deprived. The oven space is now larger. It still uses an inexpensive 100-watt bulb (And KathyHowe, do not cause a meltdown by substituting a 300-watt bulb.). The instructions are so simple, a 10-year-old can understand them. There are recipes at the website you can print in the form of recipe cards. Create luscious desserts for your friends.

A cookbook specifically written for the oven with recipes by great chefs is available.

There is still time to learn. Or just order out.

Posted by Bill at December 8, 2003 11:26 AM

My kids got one of those things as a gift. It remains unopened. To be honest I'm a little afraid of the damn thing.

Posted by: Kathy Howe at December 8, 2003 11:43 AM

I think I am going to die laughing! That was hysterical!

Posted by: -d at December 8, 2003 12:00 PM

Huh. Maybe that was my problem, too. All I ever got was the damn fake one. It didn't really cook anything. It didn't have a lightbulb in it. It just looked like an oven. You pretended to cook. Used your damn imagination. Mostly I ended up getting brooms and dustpans and aprons and shit like that. Guess what? I don't like to clean house, either. Damn santa. What did he know?

Posted by: Crazy Girl/Keri at December 8, 2003 01:12 PM

A cookbook for Kathy is a good idea. I wonder if Mr Friendly is a good cook (though she says she is not ready for a relationship - says she)

Posted by: Michelle at December 8, 2003 02:17 PM

I've never seen one of those before (The English are very protective of their children). I did have a toy iron till I burnt myself with it!!

Posted by: Anji at December 9, 2003 01:39 AM