December 08, 2003


saturday i used the rest of what can be described as “leftovers.” i’ve got a couple full meals in the freezer, but i consider those “make-ahead meals.” you see, some of the people in my house have a problem with that word – leftovers. i made a couple things that came out really nice, and i thought i’d share the recipes i came up with.

thanksgiving in a pot soup

3 c turkey and gravy (this was the pulled-apart last bits of turkey, stored in about a cup of gravy – so it’s about 3 cups that was left in the container, along with about
1 ½ c left-over stuffing, broken up into bite size pieces
1 ½ c left-over cooked corn
1 large yellow onion, diced
3 cups diced potatoes (about 1” cubes)
½ stick (4 T) butter
½ c flour
2 c half-n-half
½ gallon hot water or chicken stock (i just used water cuz my gravy was pretty intensely flavored)
1 packet of gravy mix (mine came with my butterball turkey, so you could consider it a leftover)

saute the onion and potatoes in the bottom of your stock pot for about 5 minutes in the ½ stick of butter, stirring often. add the turkey w/gravy, the stuffing, and the corn. saute for another 10 minutes, stirring often. stir in the flour, saute another 5 minutes. stir in the half-n-half, mix it up nice. add the water, season very lightly with salt and pepper, stir in the turkey gravy packet for extra flavor. simmer for about 30 minutes. taste, season again if necessary.

i also had a couple cups of mashed sweet potatoes and some cranberry sauce, so i made some

sweet potato pancakes

1 ½ c mashed sweet potatoes
5 eggs, separated
2 cups milk (you might need more, but start with one cup. you’ll want this to be a loose batter. not as loose as pancakes, but close)
1 bag of traditional flavor turkey stuffing, you just those crispy flavored bread cubes
1 c crushed walnuts
½ c leftover corn
salt and pepper

smash up the stuffing cubes so you have bread crumbs. add everything EXCEPT the 5 egg whites. mix nicely. whip up the egg whites to soft peaks. fold the whites into the potato mixture gently.

using a ¼ c measuring cup, add to hot vegetable oil. fry until a nice deep golden brown. turn over, repeat.

serve these with a dollop of your leftover cranberry sauce on top. this recipe makes a lot of these pancakes. so now you’ll have these as leftovers!

Posted by Stacey at December 8, 2003 01:25 PM

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. I just luuurve sweet potatoe. Now that is something I am going to try.

Posted by: Sheba at December 8, 2003 02:12 PM

Damn. Sheba has been playing around with my computer. She did not post that last comment in fact I think she is dreaming of a large bone she could very well be getting after Christmas dinner.

Posted by: Michelle at December 8, 2003 02:14 PM


Posted by: Billy at December 8, 2003 02:26 PM

Can the kids and I come over to your house to live... your food always sounds so yummy!


Posted by: -d at December 8, 2003 02:42 PM

Oooh ... Soup! I know someone who would be very interested in this.

That pancake recipe sounds interesting. Did you make that up? I bet that wacky horseradish/onion cranberry relish I made this year would be good on those.

Posted by: Suzette at December 8, 2003 08:55 PM


Matt's graduating Sunday! WOW!!! You must be so proud! I just read about it over at the Monkey page!


Posted by: d at December 12, 2003 08:21 PM