December 12, 2003

The Legal System By Numbers

I started with the title, having the idea that I would do that idiotic MasterCard-commercial-type thingy with the "priceless" thing at the end; and it got me to thinking about the last three days I spent at the court house waiting to start the trial of a kid accused of a couple counts of armed robbery and a couple counts of kidnapping. His buddy pulled out a gun; so, he has three-year mandatory prison terms tacked on to a couple of those counts if he is found guilty. My client has a defense. That's why we're having a trial.

He's looking at a lot of years, a minimum of 12, most likely, in the big house if he's convicted. The plea bargain offered to him would give him six years. The potential jurors -- well, enough got excused by the judge that he decided we would start Monday with a new batch; and that, I felt, was a good thing. There's all kinds of jury selection "experts" out there -- that's what Dr. Phil used to do -- but after doing this for so long, it's the feeling in my gut I go with.

The other guy took the deal -- it was his gun and he confessed -- and he took a deal on the robbery he did of the same establishment a couple weeks earlier. He had another guy with him on that one and he's testifying against that guy as part of the plea bargain. So, he's getting nine years.

We start up again Monday morning.

The MasterCard thing just wasn't that funny aftyer thinking about this stuff. I hate those commercials anyway. I'd rather see that stupid-ass Fran Drescher Old Navy commercial than another MasterCard commercial.

Posted by Bill at December 12, 2003 11:56 PM

I think gut instinct is usally the better answer most times.... it is like there is an internal click that says "WHOA! You know better!"

Posted by: d at December 13, 2003 11:39 AM

Oh my, you must really hate those priceless commercials if you prefer the Old Navy to that. But then again, you're just trying to pick the least of two evils.

Posted by: kb at December 15, 2003 09:16 AM