December 11, 2003

Hey Brother, Can You Spare a Can of Gasoline

I walked out of Marc's discount store this evening empty-handed. I wanted to buy a few boxes of Rice Krispies cheap. The place had some kind of "Rice Krispies Treat" cereal, which is little clumps of Rice Krispies held together with marshmallow. Why this is a cereal, I don't know. That's one of the things I wanted to make, however, the Rice Krispies marshmallow bars or whatever they are called along with some chocolate things with Rice Krispies mixed in.

In any event, I got near the car and two guys were standing behind it, one with a shopping cart full of blue bags and assorted boxes that didn't fit in blue bags, the other empty-handed. As I got closer, the empty-handed guy with a red baseball cap, blond hair sticking out at odd angles, and a drooping blond mustache, was doing the talking, explaining to the guy with the cart, who blocked my exit, that gas stations didn't lend out gas cans anymore.

He said that it was ridiculous, especially at this time of year, "the time when charity toward all is supreme," for the gas station owners not to trust people to bring back gas cans.

He said that gas stations were not the same anymore and that gas stations wanted to make a dollar off of people's misfortunes and charge $4.99 for gas cans.

The guy with the shopping cart was nodding and said that it was a terrible state of affairs, especially when Halliburton was raping the government with the gas prices it was charging in Iraq -- well, maybe not the last part, but he meant to say it, I know he did. He had that look about him, but the empty-handed guy in the red baseball cap and white hooded sweatshirt interrupted him.

I was getting into the car at that point, and the empty-handed guy with the red baseball cap and dirty blue jeans said that he couldn't buy anty gas if he bought the gas can. I slid into the seat and looked in the rear view mirror. The guy with the cart had some paper money out and was counting out one-dollar bills. I don't know how many, probably five. He gave the one-dollar bills to the empty-handed guy with the red baseball cap and fingerless ragg-wool gloves, who vigorously pumped the guy with the shopping cart's hand.

I count myself as one of the few experts in this area, that is, running out of gas and having to buy gas cans from the gas station. I have four of them in the garage -- well, three, now. I lent one to the neighbor across the street, and he never returned it.

I have four of them -- well, three now -- because I had to get gas cans on four of the seven times I ran out of gas. The last time I bought the gas can for $2.49 (admittedly, the cheaper model) at Speedway (or Starvin' Marvin's, I can't remember what they call it). The same kind of gas station, a franchise operation, can be found right across the road from the shopping center. I doubt that the price of gas cans has doubled there in the last year or so. After all, I haven't run out of gas lately, so the demand is way down.

I would say that the guy with the shopping cart full of blue bags has little or no expertise in this field and that he had been unfairly taken advantage of. The empty-handed guy with the red baseball hat went off in a southerly direction and the guy with the shopping cart full of blue bags went off to the north.

I pulled the car out of the parking space and drove up the aisle to the north. I checked my rear view as I passed the guy with the shopping cart and he had a satisfied smile on his face in the spiri9t of the season.

Posted by Bill at December 11, 2003 11:56 PM

and sometimes that is all that matters is the good feeling you get!

Posted by: Jeff A at December 12, 2003 01:29 AM

What Jeff said.

Posted by: Michelle at December 12, 2003 02:35 AM

I'm glad to hear about a good deed. It warms my heart, as long as the guy didn't feel like he was taken advantage of then that's all that matters.

Posted by: kb at December 12, 2003 07:59 AM

The title mentions gasoline. I'm a little afraid to read this given your history with gas stations.

I'll come back and try again later.

Posted by: Kathy Howe at December 12, 2003 08:22 AM

I'm with Jeff.

Posted by: Anji at December 12, 2003 09:38 AM

I think I'll just go with the majority here and ditto Jeff.

Posted by: TW at December 12, 2003 09:43 AM

Wouldn't just be smarter of the Gas Station to just freaking make it a deposit type of thing... leave $5, take the can, come back, get gas.... get your $5 back!

HOW RUDE of the companies!

Posted by: -d at December 12, 2003 12:14 PM

My cell phone rang when I was pumping gas today and my first thought was "That damn, Billy!!!"

But it wasn't you. It was The Boy.

Damn him too - I could have exploded yaknow.

Posted by: Kathy Howe at December 12, 2003 11:37 PM