December 17, 2003


the other night i dreamt that someone was coming to town to try to kill me on 12/22/03. all i have to say is “bring it, bitch.” do not underestimate THIS gimp.

ok. maybe i take my dreams a little too seriously. maybe not. because...

last night i dreamt my boss who was scheduled to fly to chicago today never made the trip because she was sick. and guess who just e-mailed me from home with this: “Just to let you know that I didn't make my trip today and am staying home. I'll be on e-mail frequently and anyone can call me at home if you like (although I don't have much of a voice).”

i’m just warning you. i’ll have three big guys with me at all times on monday. even though i’m pretty sure i could handle you all on my own. i think they want a piece of you, too. yeah, that’s right.

ok. i’m really not this scary. not all the time anyway.

Posted by Stacey at December 17, 2003 10:19 AM

I've just recently started this blogging deal and I have been trolling for sites to add to my infant blogroll. Your site was mentioned to me by an author of a site I liked and added (he asked me not to mention any names so I won't cough*chucklehut*coughcough). So ... I'm flailing around your wonderful blogspace this morning, enjoying much of what I'm finding here - interesting, amusing writes, clear, lucid prose, a unique slightly off kilter perspective on the day-to-day, you spell a lot of the words right - but I'm thinking maybe the guy who turned me on to the site has not really read my stuff. I write some things sometimes that are ... ahh ... irreverent? ... over-the-top? ... obnoxious? ... bad? ... ya that's it. I write stuff that is bad. So I'm thinking maybe this isn't such a good fit, and then up pops a new post that changes the whole deal. With three little words I am definately adding this to my daily stops ... "bring it, bitch" ... I'm hoping there is more where that came from.

Posted by: Brother Grimm at December 17, 2003 11:25 AM

Tell 'em Stacey!!

Posted by: Anji at December 17, 2003 11:48 AM

You go, Stacey!

Posted by: TW at December 17, 2003 12:01 PM

oh, brother (grimm), i have so much to say.

1) thanks for visiting and your very nice comment.
2) i LOVE the hut! so, too, does bill; so get that thought right out of your head. now.
3) "a lot of the words" are spelled right? not all? that cut, brother, that cut.
3) that nbl name of the blog gives some people the wrong idea of what they'll find here. oh, you'll find some of that; but really, the title's meant to be "tongue-in-cheek."
4) i'm looking forward to checking out your stuff! cuz i LOVE "irreverent? ... over-the-top? ... obnoxious? ... bad?"

Posted by: stacey at December 17, 2003 12:04 PM

I want you on MY side... I'm calling in the Stacey forces for my next bad dream.

Posted by: Crazy Girl/Keri at December 17, 2003 01:42 PM

**Starts to unpack bags**

Ah, I'm not visiting!



Posted by: d at December 17, 2003 02:21 PM

My "contacts" will be hiding in the bushes, or disguised as snowmen, or casually walking their dogs... they will be there but not seen, protecting your every move. That person already has a death wish for just entering your dreams.

Posted by: Michelle at December 17, 2003 03:00 PM

you are like the 4th Charlie's Angel!

Posted by: jenB at December 17, 2003 03:03 PM

...who's ass do I have to kick this time? :-[


Posted by: Matt at December 17, 2003 11:34 PM