December 23, 2003

Rule #2: Wear Dark, Non-Reflective Clothes at Night

It's not very Christmas-like here in northern Ohio with the rain coming down in buckets. The temperature is dropping into the lower 30's, and it is dark out there. We drove up to the grocery store to get an ingredient that I forgot to pick up for the cauliflower risotto that Stacey is making -- the cauliflower.

I drove up the driveway headed toward the street and nearly nailed two kids on skateboards. Now, I know times have changed a little since our kids were 10 or so, but they weren't allowed outside after dark unless one of us, meaning the adults, irresponsible as I might be, were with them. And that was the rule when they wanted to go play in the yard after dark or go in the pool. If they wanted to go to someone's house, they stayed indoors; and if we called to check up and the parent said they were outside, one of us was on the way in the car to pick up our kid.

Sometimes, even eternal vigilance doesn't keep them out of trouble.

I am trying to figure out what conversation went down with these kids' parents:

Kid: Mom, Dad, anybody home? Oh, Dad, there you are. How do you like that Chardonnay?
Dad: It's okay. A little flat, though. What do you want?
Kid: I'm going out.
Dad: Whaddaya askin' me for?
Kid: Mom said I should tell you.
Dad: It's dark out there.
Kid: I'm not scared of the dark any more.
Dad: It's raining, ain't it?
Kid: Yeah, I got my navy blue hoodie on and my black pants on.
Dad: Good. Stay outta trouble.

Posted by Bill at December 23, 2003 07:56 PM