December 23, 2003


i had big plans for today. i wanted to get a lot of prep work done for our big dinner tomorrow. it's only going to be 10 people, but i'll make enough food for 30 (unless more rational heads can prevail).

we did most of the shopping yesterday at sam's and costco, so bill and i started off the day with a very short list at the grocery store. that done, we came home and made a quick lunch, settled in with some "family guy" videos, and subsequently fell fast asleep. perfect. when we woke up, bill worked on some "lawyer stuff," and i watched crap tv. perfect. then out to drop off a present for bill's mom at the fedex box and an eggnog latte. and one more little trip to the grocery store.

so NOW (8 p.m.) i've got to get started on my "work." i've got ravioli to boil (the breading and frying will wait until tomorrow). i've got a chocolate "pizza" to make -- we have to deliver it tomorrow morning to bill's cousin. bill's going to start on the egg nog and ANOTHER cheesecake. i've got beets to roast for the salad. i've got a marshmallow rice krispie "wreath" to make. this one's just plain going to be silly.


i haven't been posting much, cuz i've been busy. and a slacker. friday night mark came home, and we headed to pennsylvania to have lunch with matt and mel to celebrate matt's graduation. he wound up graduating with honors, with a 4.0 in his major. he's the man! we had a nice lunch -- the company was nice, the food was crappy, the service was weird. but it was great to go up and see them and celebrate in this way with them. jax didn't even complain too much about 7 hours in one car. four of us. in the beetle. jax and mark in the back seat.

sunday morning jax invited us to come to a meeting where he was giving a "lead." he's led a half-dozen times before; but he was finally ok with us coming. so bill, mark, and i headed up to starbucks for fortification. jax had left much earlier as he drives anybody who needs a ride to meetings, and so he had to have his OWN car.

as soon as jax was introduced, bill, mark, and i each started quietly weeping. he was nervous, you could tell, yet more comfortable in the role than i could ever have imagined. amazing. and then the comments. whoa. the love and respect these people have for my son is overwhelming. all ages. all kinds of people. an 80 year-old-man in a wheelchair couldn't even speak he was so moved by his feelings for jax that all he could do to express his love for him was to blow him a kiss. too, too sweet.

what jax has found in those "rooms" has been the greatest gift of his life. he found himself. the jax we (his family) knew was there; but he needed these people to help him accept and embrace that person. i'm more thankful than i can ever express.

wow. a graduation and a lead. what a weekend. and it's not christmas yet!

Posted by Stacey at December 23, 2003 08:19 PM

Wrong -- if Christmas is the "spirit of wonder," then it's Christmas.

Posted by: Billy at December 23, 2003 08:27 PM

You and Bill are truly blessed, and I agree with Bill, it sounds like Christmas is already there.

Posted by: TW at December 23, 2003 10:01 PM

What a wonderful start to Christmas. I know you are so proud of your boys and you deserve to be. I hope these blessings continue throughout 2004. Once the food is prepared, you will be able to relax for a while (at least). Have a wonderful Christmas Stacey and Bill - some hugs for you both (((hugs))) and blowwwwwwing you some kisses.

Posted by: Michelle at December 24, 2003 05:32 AM

That is so wonderful. I know how you guys feel. This is going to be the best christmas for me in 2 years because I have my son back, healthy and whole as well.

You guys have a Merry Christmas and I hope you get an abundance of goodies.

Posted by: kb at December 24, 2003 09:16 AM

(((Hugs To The Whole Clan)) Merry Christmas! Enjoy, I know you will. hell, you're already off to a great start.

Posted by: Charlene at December 24, 2003 09:42 AM

Merry Christmas Bill & Stacey (and your whole family!) Hope you have a wonderful holiday :)

Posted by: Jennifer at December 24, 2003 12:33 PM

You must be so proud of your boys. Merry Christmas!!

Posted by: Anji at December 25, 2003 12:19 PM

I know I'm late to wish Merry Christmas but I hope you all have the Happiest 2004 you can imagine. I have MORE tears now (I'm catching up because I didn't read over the weekend or the holiday as I spent it just chillin' with the family) reading about Jax's meeting and lead. WOW. how incredible. hugs to you all. What a wonderful time for you. so glad he has these people and that he has found acceptance and love there and of himself. And Stacey and Bill? You two have helped him get to that place. Goodonya.

Posted by: Crazy Girl/Keri at December 29, 2003 03:27 PM