December 31, 2003

2003 has been an interesting year – aren’t they all? i’m glad it’s over. i always feel that the new year is a time for rebirth. the time to reassess and recommit or newly commit to the values that are important to me. i actually love new year’s resolutions. here’s a partial list of my resolutions for this year. i hope that i come back to this list time and again to refresh my “resolution” and remind me to continue to try to work on these things.

• this first one’s a big one. i copied it from a post daniel made a couple months ago, and i look at it a lot. I can still maintain right-mindfulness. Sometimes I forget to, but sometimes I don't. Here's to a year when I remember what I'm capable of a little more often than I did last year. this encompasses a lot, really, doesn’t it?
• i’d like to work on my health. my weight, my strength, my diet.
• i’d like to spend a lot less money at starbucks. this will be a lot easier when bill gets the mochas just right. he’s getting very, very close.
• i’d like to get into the habit again of centering myself by praying first thing in the morning. i love to read a couple prayers from “illuminata,” but i’ve gotten out of the habit. need to start that again.
• thankful prayers at bedtime. need to start that again, too.
• less tv, more reading in the evenings.

i’ve been blogging for a full year now. i’ve “met” some really excellent people here. i’m sure i’ll miss some, so i hate to do this; on the other hand, part of what i’d like to start doing is acknowledging those people who’ve inspired or moved me in some way. thanks to you guys for your words, your blogs, your support, your compassion, your sense of humor, your integrity, your wisdom, your “friendship.” kathyhowe, christine, dana, dan, michelle, charlene, keri, anji, kathy, tw, jenb, philip, joel, suzette, and deb. i’m not worthy. i hope i haven’t missed anybody. if you’re a regular reader here and you’ve kept quiet, i hope that you’ll say hi in the new year and allow us to get to know you, too.

i hope the new year brings you all good things. only good things. or at the very least only those challenges that you can meet head on and fight the good fight and learn from.*

*so shoot me. i ended that sentence with a preposition. it was harder for me than it was for you, believe me.


Posted by Stacey at December 31, 2003 11:38 AM

Happy New Years, Stacey to you and your entire family!

It was about a year ago that we 'met' so HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY too!!


Posted by: Kathy Howe at December 31, 2003 12:29 PM

Hey girl, Happy New Year to you too. I'm going to making a nice dinner, drink some bubbly and chill out. It's rookie night out anyway. Hope you and Bill enjoy your night. Glad I found you guys.

Posted by: Charlene at December 31, 2003 01:51 PM

Happy New Year Stacey, Bill and Jax. Hope you guys have a great one!!

Posted by: kb at December 31, 2003 05:11 PM

Your resolutions are inspiring, and thanks for the kind words. I so enjoy reading you and Bill--the her point, his point is great. Have a wonderful new year.

Posted by: TW at December 31, 2003 07:09 PM

Happy New Years to your whole family. You guys really rock!

Posted by: kathy at December 31, 2003 09:47 PM

Happy New Year! I'm so happy to have found you. What a great group of people your family is. I wish you all good things in this coming year. Love and hugs to you all...

Posted by: Keri at December 31, 2003 10:26 PM

Happy New Year... and you are so beyond worthy... you deserve all the happiness the world can give you!


P.S. What happened in Garfield that had my daughter talking about raining white skys?

Posted by: d at January 1, 2004 03:33 AM

You are more than worthy Stacey. It is the beauty which you have inside of you, the goodness of heart and spirit, which we feed upon. You may learn from us, but we in turn, get so much back in return from you. You inspire us when we fall short of loving ourselves and being thankful for what we have in our lives and I am so thankful for the friendships I have find through blogging. Both you and Bill are a blessing to know. You have given me a bright new perspective on the "true" American-people. What the government fails to do, bloggers put it right through their down-to-earth, honest and heatfelt interaction with others.

I wish you, Bill and the family bright skies ahead. Magical moments, wonderful memories, love, friendship and contentment. I wish you good fortune and blessings in abundance. May the year be filled with all the goods things you wish for yourselves and that each and every one of them be the start of many more to come. Go well and go safe. (((((hugs))))).

Posted by: Michelle at January 1, 2004 04:00 AM

whoa - I'm extremely humbled. I'm so glad that those words found their mark with you, and even moreso that you re-shared them with everybody so I could remember what was once my primary aspiration and then turned into sort of a side-thought. It's been a wild year for me with many highs and lows - but meeting you guys (even in this tenuous way) has been an important part of the good stuff. Hope you're having a blast for all of 2004!

Posted by: dan at January 2, 2004 03:54 PM

Happy New Year to you all. I wouldn't dare try to print my resolutions, there is so much that needs doing.

Posted by: Anji at January 4, 2004 03:52 AM