January 06, 2004

Don't Cry, T.S. Eliot

I have been balancing up on the tightwire when it comes to cats. My mother has cats that are 17 and 18 years old; and she and my dad had cats while I was a teenager. One of them, a mean, gray, long-haired monster with an opaque eye it must have gotten in a fight, went missing one fall afternoon. Found a cool cat skull and skeleton the following summer under the living room window. I can't say that I shed too many tears over that nasty critter.

And I'm not as gleeful as you might imagine over the decision of the Chinese government to immediately execute every civet cat (Sorry, you need to log in. It's just not any newspaper, y'know, "It's All the News That's Fit to Print.") in captivity at restaurants, on farms, and in wild-animal markets in the Guangdong Province, which is near Hong Kong. It's not all cats in China; it's not even all cats in Guangdong.

Why are these cats at restaurants, on farms, and in wild-animal markets, you ask? Possibly because the owners keep the cats to control the rodent population in those places, you ask?

No. Because the cats are eaten in the winter months. Oh, those Guangdongers love their cats, considering the evil creatures a delicacy. Perhaps the Soup Lady has a delightful recipe for all you cat afficionados out there.

Well, I will tell you what did bring me to tears was being told that an item I really, really wanted was sold out. What hath God wrought? And I'll let y'all make the obvious jokes.

Posted by Bill at January 6, 2004 03:26 AM

We've had several big scares around here about Chinese restaurants using cat in their dishes.

I can never, never let the Hunter see that. Never.

Posted by: TW at January 6, 2004 08:27 AM

OH Gross!! I am so glad I live in America and can go to McDonalds if I want something gross to eat. I can't fathom eating a cat or dog. But that's not to say if I wasn't starving to death I wouldn't, just not my preference. Gotta' go puke now.

Posted by: kb at January 6, 2004 09:12 AM

I wanted to try dog when I was in Korea, but you have to go to special places and go with a Korean, or they won't serve you. My friend said it's the sweetest meat she's ever tasted. If we eat pigs, cows, and other animals kept as pets, why not dogs? There are too many of them with irresponsible pet owners not spaying and neutering anyway. Just don't come around my house and steal my cat for your dinner.

Posted by: pink lotus at January 6, 2004 02:39 PM

I am sorry you cried when you found out that beautiful toilet set was sold out, I feel for you Bill. But maybe it is for the better. After all, men never seem to aim straight and those bullets would never have made any difference in aiming and firing at the porcelain. Just imagine waking up in the wee (excuse the pun) hours of the morning and the toilet seat is down - you may not realise it was down which could result in a serious amount of splashback. I think Stacey may just be relieved (oohh another pun [I am on a roll tonight]) that they are gone. Rather get one with a heater.

Posted by: Michelle at January 6, 2004 03:56 PM

OMG! People really buy those thing? ;)


Posted by: d at January 6, 2004 06:13 PM

Like Michelle, I also got a big bang out of this post.

Posted by: Philip at January 7, 2004 10:07 PM

Why is the toilet seat clear?

Posted by: Brett at January 9, 2004 02:43 AM