January 06, 2004


I thought that this was a free country. I mean, every time I told Rudy, the bully up the street who would dig his dagger sharp chin into my back when I let him get me on the ground on my stomach in a fight, that he couldn't do something, he'd say, "Free country." And he'd stick his chin out so I knew he meant business.

In a "free country," a guy can sell his urine on the open market for whatever price he can get. That unscrupulous individuals might use the urine to try to pass a drug test is something so foreign as to be laughable. Laughable, man. How many of us really think that someone would buy pee for that stupid reason.

There are so many other reasons, all legitimate, to buy pee on the open market. I don't need to recite those reasons here, since it would take too much time.

I wasn't vigilant and my pee futures went right into the toilet yesterday when Kenneth Curtis lost his appeal for selling pee on the open market, the good old boys on the South Carolina Supreme Court finding that he did it to help others pass drug tests. Urine fraud.

Kenny's claim that this is a free country and he could sell his pee to whomever he wanted is, legally, a crock of shit.

Posted by Bill at January 6, 2004 09:04 PM

Dude, I have to admit that I missed this whole thread in the news... but I can only imagine what the excerpts and sound bites from the court decision must've been like:

'Don't tread on pee'

'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's tinkles'

and, of course:

'If it ain't your'n, it ain't yer urine'

Posted by: Charlie at January 6, 2004 10:28 PM

Stumbled ( is there any better way?) upon your site tonight, and I am hooked! Middle-aged Bloggers Unite! Thanks for an interesting read. I'll be back, soon!

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at January 6, 2004 11:26 PM

Kenny is a dork. I'm pleased at least one case has now set a precedent. However, I think that the person to whom it was sold should also be punished.

Posted by: Michelle at January 7, 2004 12:24 AM

damn, there goes another business opportunity

Posted by: Jeff A at January 7, 2004 01:17 AM

that's ridiculous. its not HIS responsibility to know what people are going to do with his urine. this is an outrage! what's next? feces?

Posted by: tj at January 7, 2004 09:48 AM

Urine fraud. Laughing my ass off.

Posted by: kathy at January 8, 2004 04:58 PM