We have gotten some comments from individuals who work for one of the better known penis enlargement companies. They apparently enjoy our blog in this little part of the www. I am sure that blog-surfing is frowned upon by their company -- something about decreased productivity, which is a bunch of hogwash as far as I'm concerned.
Anyway, I have deleted their comments, just so their bosses don't get wind of their transgressions. I would hate to see any of them get jacked around or worse, get fired, for making these insightful, philosophically-significant comments.
[I could do this as a bulleted list, but I have decided that from now on I will leave that sort of thing to the lady over here to the left.]
And now, I present to you the philosophers of Sexmuch Quality Penis Enlargement Co.:
He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare; and he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere. -- Melissa Delaney DelValle
Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods. -- Melissa Woronoff
A little foolishness, enough to enjoy life and a little wisdom to avoid the errors, that will do. -- Todd Rheinfrank, who apparently plagiarized from Amy Morneweck (Amy's comment came in at 9:31; Todd's at 9:32).
For every action there is an equal and opposite government program. -- Tom Welch (the comedian of the group; his humor comes up short most of the time)
He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own. -- Raegen Rasnic
Man is the missing link between apes and human beings. -- Brandon Enriquez
Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, even so the wise are not affected by praise or blame. -- Oscar Romero
Some nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. -- Carolyn Hall
With love comes strange currencies. -- Jane Latman
There is no benefit in the gifts of a bad man. -- Norman Cohen (who left a bogus website address which had something to do with online casinos -- his e-mail address gave him away, though -- be more careful next time, Norman)
If you would be unloved and forgotten, be reasonable. -- Elena Cook
you know, all the lawyers i know "in real life" are really nice as well. i only hate ones on tee vee. weird. -- jenB (Hey! She said something nice about lawyers. I had to include her comment as significant, it being the only nice thing about lawyers ever written.)
Seekers of truth invariably turn to lies. -- Abigail Banker (Okay, I'll grant you that jenB is a "seeker of truth.")
Cultivated people foster what is good in others, not what is bad. Petty people do the opposite. -- Whelan Sidney
The world is a beautiful book for those who can read it. -- John Congdon
Keep the good work. -- Alan Cheslow
My father never raised his hand to any one of his children, except in self-defense. -- Steve Miller
I originally inserted a lyric here by the real Steve Miller, but then I figured that would get me sued by the RIAA.
Posted by Bill at May 3, 2004 11:47 AMyou forgot the bullet code, didn't you?
the "better known penis enlargement companies?"
are you fishing for more "i-love-lawyers" comments again?
I had the same commentor hit me as well although I got only two from them. I think that comment flood thing actually worked for once!
Posted by: Jeff A at May 3, 2004 01:12 PMThis is the plus side of having my comments busted for a few days isn't it?
Posted by: Kathy Howe at May 3, 2004 10:05 PM