January 19, 2005

Slings and Arrows

I haven't felt much like blogging recently, but someone left a comment to one of my posts, attempting 1) to be humorous and/or 2) to be insulting to this writer. I have a feeling that (s)he has some issues related to lawyers. I hear stuff like this every day. After 25 years, these "insults" are, as Quintana says in The Big Lebowski, laughable. Here's the comment, unedited and in its entirety, complete with IP address:

IP Address:
Name: QC
Email Address: accident55@hotmail.com


This post is just stupid. You say that people don't walk on sidewalks anymore? what kind of moronic statement is that?

So you are too lazy and selfish to spend less than 15 minutes to make the sidewalk nicer for eveyrone. What a sheer lack of class you show. (As you imply you are a lawyer, that is not surprising.) I just hope someone with even less class than you (if that is possible) purposely falls on your sidewalk and sues you. Because as a lawyer, you should know that he WOULD win. Hmmm. 15 minutes of shoveling, or tens of thousands of dollars? You decide.

I suppose I could refute all of these statements and get into some petty bickering, which wouldn't get us anywhere. You can argue with a member of the Flat Earth Society until you're blue in the face and never change his or her mind. Why try?

I'll look at this in a different way. There's obviously something else roiling beneath QC's normally placid exterior. I'm not going to take it personally. (S)he is operating in some reality other than my own. And this is apparent to me because there's no way (s)he could shovel about 250 feet of sidewalk with snow 18 inches deep in 15 minutes. (S)he is operating in a different reality, and I don’t have the need to be accepted in that reality. (S)he sees the world through a set of eyes far different than my own.

In QC's reality, apparently, generalizations about people govern interpersonal relations. There are no individuals. (S)he pre-judges people and compartmentalizes them based upon idiosyncratic criteria unknown to those who come into contact with QC.

So be it.

Thank you for stopping by and reading, QC. I will not help you suffer from whatever you feel is ailing you. I wish you much peace and joy in the future.

Posted by Bill at January 19, 2005 12:04 PM

Defamation! Slander! Libel!

Let's sue her(him)!!

And instead of a monetary judgement, she'll have to come and shovel your sidewalk! (I should have been a judge. Is that justice, or what??)

Posted by: lucy at January 19, 2005 01:42 PM

Jesus Christ.

I really wish I could block people from my site sometimes.

I hope QC never comes to my blog.

If I didn't think that was a phony hotmail address, I would think about sending an email-- but I guess that would just make me as bad as QC, wouldn't it?

Posted by: Jen at January 19, 2005 05:43 PM

Perhaps QC was just having a "stone" day. We shall wish (S)he a John Denver "diamond" day.

(Really, Bill, lay off on that extra Prozac in your evening coffee. *grin*)

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at January 19, 2005 10:56 PM

I'm gonna got out on a limb and say definitely a she and obviously shoveling her own sidewalks. Hmm?

Posted by: Vicki at January 20, 2005 08:37 AM

When people make comments like that it proves two things (1) they don't really know you at all and (2) they have not taken the time to read your posts in order to get to know the man behind the words.

Posted by: Michelle at January 20, 2005 02:13 PM