January 20, 2005


i’ve been:

a. busy
b. kinda sick – really, really tired
c. both of the above

if you answered "c," you’re right. i’ve been fighting some pretty serious fatigue for a couple months. i thought it was the m.s. nope. anemia. hemoglobin level 7.2 (12 is normal for women). soooo, since my knee replacement surgery’s scheduled for monday, 1/24, doctors freaked out. i’ve been having i.v. iron treatments the past couple mornings, then running to work, catching up, and trying to get everything in order for my 8-week "vacation." i say "vacation" that way cuz i’m taking my three biggest customer files home with me – i’ll be taking care of them – and anything else i can – from home.

so i have just a couple minutes to tell you where i’ve been. and why i haven’t been posting, visiting, or commenting. busy, busy. i’ll have more time in a couple weeks.

i hope.

more goings on:

  • we’re starting up another site – bought the domain name the other day. mel came up with the name for us – clever girl. "www.handismacked.com." "www.imadumbshit.com" was taken. we’re going to carry an old digital camera in the car with us at all times, take the pictures of the dumbasses (their cars – and maybe the dumbass, too!) parked in handicapped spots illegally, leave a card educating them as to what the law is and a notice that they’ve been "handi-smacked" and to look for their picture at www.handismacked.com. i’m sure we’ll be sued. in fact, we look forward to it! when we’re up and running, we’ll let you know. put a link on your site. take your own pictures! help us out!

    when we’re up and running.

    in other news:

  • jax started college classes this week! woohoo!
  • matt and mel moved into their condo! it’s awesome!
  • mark coming to cleveland for a bit next week "to help out." i’m not sure how long he’ll be around.
  • lots going on here at work that i won’t talk about. don’t wanna get “dooced,” you know.


    Posted by Stacey at January 20, 2005 03:23 PM
  • Comments

    I added you to our prayer list yesterday... hope all goes well!


    Posted by: -d at January 20, 2005 04:53 PM

    Well, maybe if Miz Stacey had seen a doctor earlier....no, no, I've already done that lecture, haven't I???

    Be well. Pretty please?!

    Posted by: lucy at January 20, 2005 05:34 PM

    Will you be able to check blogs/email during your "vacation"? How long do you expect to be in the hospital?

    Good luck with everything on Monday!!!! The 24th is Monday right? Yes, I just did the mental math.

    We'll be thinking of you.

    What hospital?

    Posted by: jenorama at January 20, 2005 07:14 PM

    Boy howdy do I feel better since the 'rectomy and the related extremely low hemo (7ish range also)coming back up to near normal levels now. BS (Before Surgery) way back in the fall, at the end of a busy work day the steps up to my porch seemed to stretch like a long city block. Now, I'm pretty damn chipper for a "fluffy girl" as Lucy would say. Hope all goes well on the knee thing.

    Posted by: Vicki at January 21, 2005 11:03 AM

    Hope everything goes well with your medical issues. And I can't wait for your new page to get up.

    Posted by: TW at January 21, 2005 04:21 PM

    you are in my thoughts this week-end!!

    Posted by: -d at January 22, 2005 07:12 PM

    Looking forward to seeing those pics. I'll be thinking of you Monday. PLEASE look after yourself and be a good girl for the Doctor!!

    Posted by: Anji at January 23, 2005 04:13 AM

    I am looking forward to the day your new website is up and running.

    Good luck Stace. You will definitely be in my thoughts tomorrow. Take your time with the recovery - don't push it (who wants to go back to work anyway *wink*). Bill - will you post as soon after the surgery as possible so we know how it went? Thanks :-)

    Posted by: Michelle at January 23, 2005 04:26 AM

    Bill WILL be posting and letting us know how the surgery went and giving us a 'Stacey Health UpDate'....won't he???

    Posted by: lucy at January 23, 2005 06:32 PM

    I read this before and totally missed the part about the anemia and the surgery. Was that in the original post made on 1/20 or added later or am I sufferring eyeball fatigue and don't even know what I'm reading anymore? Good wishes, good luck, good thoughts.

    Posted by: Suzette at January 24, 2005 09:07 AM

    Hope everything goes well. I fully commiserate about the low hemoglobin. Had that a few years ago. Luckily, I had the shots, etc. and only occasionally have smaller flareups.

    Hang in there, Stace. Your readers are thinking of you...

    Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at January 24, 2005 09:01 PM