January 23, 2005


thanks for your nice comments and e-mails. i'll be home before the weekend, but i'm sure bill will be posting something funny about me -- i know he and matt are conniving to make me talk as much as possible before i'm able to really know what i'm saying.

i'm very excited to have this surgery done and over with! i know the quality of my life will be greatly improved by this. and i'll have plenty of time to catch up on my reading. and blogging. both blog-reading and posting. i know i've missed a lot recently -- i'll catch up.

again, i can't thank you enough for the kind wishes and thoughts sent my way.

ta ta for now. otu.

Posted by Stacey at January 23, 2005 09:45 PM

Hey Stacey,

Just wanted to wish you LUCK with your surgery!!!

I know that I am the only person in the universe who actually likes being in the hospital, but I do. I like the vacation, I like the privacy, and the absolute lack of responsibility. And I hope that you can enjoy the morphine and the mindless TV and enjoy the lack of responsiblity too!

My mother has had both knees replaced (she still has rheumatoid arthritis and pain forever from deterioratin back disks, though), and the surgery made her a new woman. You will LOVE it.

I'll be thinking about you!!!


Posted by: jenorama at January 23, 2005 10:29 PM


Wish I was closer to help out.... but you will be in my prayers.


Posted by: -d at January 23, 2005 11:05 PM

I have been thinking of you all evening and by now you are out of surgery. I hope you are not in too much pain and hope the recovery at hospital goes quickly - recouperating goes faster when you are at home. Sending you lots of (((hugs))) sweetie. Will be in touch again soon.

Posted by: Michelle at January 24, 2005 03:53 PM