January 24, 2005


Report on the Surgery From the Man on the Scene

Stacey's tall, salt-and-pepper-haired orthopedic surgeon said that the surgery went very well and that Stacey will be on her feet tomorrow and home by the end of the week. She is now in her room overlooking the Rocky River, but very groggy. I enjoyed the view, though.

I put Judge Judy on the only tube not connected to her before I left, which was a part of the very specific instructions she left for me before I was kicked out of pre-op by the doctor and several nurses.

In quizzing the doctor about his technique in total knee replacements, he denied the use of a radial arm saw, humerously indicating that it was good only for performing elbow surgery.

The hammer and chisel were his tools of choice today with little guides clamped to the ends of the left femur and left tibia to properly shape the bones to accept the joint surfaces to be implanted.

The surgery took about an hour and a half without complication.

When I got home, the dogs grabbed the bag in which the nurse put the old parts and ran outside.

Thank you all for your concern and warm and well wishes.

Posted by Stacey at January 24, 2005 07:16 PM

speedy recovery to you darlin -- i'm sending mojo for good healing. xo

Posted by: christine at January 24, 2005 07:21 PM

A humerous humerus? Sounds like a fibia to me... Tell Miz Stacey to be nice to the nurses and always, always, say yes to the pain meds offered. ;-)

(NOW I know what's in canned dog food, btw!)

Posted by: lucy at January 24, 2005 09:19 PM

Oh Bill!!!


Glad to hear that everything went well!!!

Posted by: jenorama at January 24, 2005 09:25 PM

Huggles to Miz Stacey! Hope you have the speediest of recoveries! And that dog story is just nasty!

Posted by: Keri at January 24, 2005 10:38 PM

Kisses to her.... and tell the dogs to be careful... you'd hate to have some law man findind old bones buried in your yard.

Posted by: -d at January 24, 2005 11:00 PM

I am thrilled to hear the surgery went well. Though I can't send her flowers, please tell her to imagine her room filled with all sorts of bright blooms from me - they are non-returnable and non-refundable so she must imagine the best *lol*.

I remember my mothers knee cap when they removed it. It remind me of the sand dollar which you find on the beach excepting much more gross. Please don't tell Stacey that story about the dogs because laughing could cause her pain at the moment. Sending her lots of (((hugs)))).

Posted by: Michelle at January 25, 2005 01:40 AM

Lots of love to Stacey. I do love your 'humer'. my Dad always said if he ever had anything amputated to take it home for the dogs. He had some toes amputated, but we didn't!

Posted by: Anji at January 25, 2005 04:51 AM

hahaahahaha! Make sure Scout gets the big parts!

I hope Stacey is feeling better pronto!!

Posted by: Kathy Howe at January 25, 2005 01:05 PM