January 31, 2005

Christmas Is Coming

I was driving home this evening after attending a meeting. I didn't realize that people were still celebrating Christmas. I saw four houses with Christmas trees lit up inside the houses. I saw a bunch of other houses with Christmas decorations and lights still blazing. I thought that maybe there was some kind of Valentine's Day significance to it all, but never heard of that kind of thing.

Speaking of Valentine's Day, I never really put much significance upon it until after I got involved with Stacey. Her family seemed to be obsessed with Valentine's Day ... gifts, big dinner, parties. I thought it was all so weird the first few years. More than weird, I thought it was downright crazy the one year when some guy blew up a bunch of fireworks from North Carolina and shot off his big gun.

In those days, I was somewhat naive. I thought that fireworks was sheer lunacy. I asked Stacey about that. She then explained that the Family commemorated the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, not St. Valentine's Day.

Posted by Bill at January 31, 2005 11:29 PM

Hey there.... my house still has a Christmas Tree up and Kenzie still lights it up each night. She gets so much joy from it that I haven't had the heart to take it down. (Plus, I am too tired to do it! Lazy Lazy me.)

Posted by: -d at February 1, 2005 02:32 AM

The last one cleared up their decorations about a week ago here.
I'm not sure how to interpret the last paragraph.

Posted by: Anji at February 1, 2005 10:56 AM

I like making a nice dinner at home and pulling out the wedding china. Last year was smoked salmon and asparagus in cream sauce over pasta, salad, and molten chocolate. Restaurants are too crowded and overpriced. And you're close to the bedroom after you've finished the red wine and chocolate. ;)

But guns sound fun, too.

Posted by: pink lotus at February 1, 2005 05:26 PM

Is that when you proposed?

Posted by: jenorama at February 1, 2005 06:45 PM

We may have to add the St. Valentine's Day Massacre to our list of family holidays, particularly considering the significance of firearms.

Posted by: TW at February 1, 2005 09:43 PM

Now that's funny. ;-)

Posted by: lucy at February 4, 2005 11:34 AM