February 02, 2005

Jumping Off a Moving Train

I had a pretrial conference this morning. I cut through one of the two courtrooms to the judges' chambers. Both judges, females, had the same last name. And the same first name. What the hell?

Then I froze my ass off on my way to a status conference in federal court because I didn’t realize how cold it was and didn't think about how long the walk was to the new building. And then I didn't make it through the metal detector. The U.S. Marshals manning the post couldn't find anything, and I didn't clue them in on the loose screws.

You see people jumping from trains in movies all the time, but how many times does it happen in real life. The story goes like this. As the train approached the station, he jumped. Why? Because his narcoleptic state lifted somewhat, and in that stuporous condition, he figured the train was pulling out and that he had missed his stop. So, he did what any reasonable loon would do. He jumped.

Here’s an idea. Be a stunt man in the movies. More chance of making money that way than filing a lawsuit

Posted by Bill at February 2, 2005 09:06 PM

At least you didn't have to explain the underwire in your brassiere to the marshalls *grin*

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at February 3, 2005 11:31 AM

So, what is up with the judges with the same first and last names?

Posted by: jenorama at February 4, 2005 12:42 AM

Having had a front row seat (actually, front car placement) to the grisly aftermath of a suicide-by-train, I think he ought to be horse-whipped, not rewarded.


Posted by: lucy at February 4, 2005 11:33 AM

I thought trains served food and drinks. Why the hell would anyone jump off of that?

Posted by: KathyHowe at February 4, 2005 11:15 PM