June 18, 2005

Social Insecurity

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. -- Article 25, paragraph 1, UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, Adopted by General Assembly of the United Nations, December 10, 1948.

I'm wondering if George W. Bush ever heard of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We went to war because we were attacked, and we are at war today because there are still people out there who want to harm our country and hurt our citizens. -- George W. Bush, June 18, 2005.

Iraq didn't attack us. The U.N. weapons inspectors found no weapons of mass destruction before the U.S. attacked Iraq. Is there another plane of reality in which George the Lesser is residing because where I'm from, this is called a big fucking lie. Of course, it has worked before.

Posted by Bill at June 18, 2005 06:05 PM

Looks like he says the first thing that comes into his head.

Posted by: Anji at June 19, 2005 03:32 AM

Yes, it amazes me how he keeps on saying that the USA was attacked. He is trying to justify his attack on Iraq. As for the Declaration of Human Rights - our Constitution says the same thing yet the world does seem to become a better place.

Posted by: Michelle at June 20, 2005 03:59 PM