August 19, 2006


ok. so we start out to columbus yesterday morning to lunch with matty and mel. while bill is on the phone with napster TRYING to cancel j's account -- for the third time --he misses a call. he checks his voice mail. probation officer left message that j left treatment center thursday night. the information she has is that drug dealer picked him up. warrant will be issued for his arrest. oh god.

we decide to press on to columbus and try to enjoy this little field trip. j made this decision. we are powerless, remember?

lovely time -- as always -- with the matt and mel. delicious lunch. i can't say that much hilarity ensued; but i do believe that bill and i -- and matt and mel -- did a pretty good job of just being in the moment and enjoying each other's company.

thought we left with plenty of time to make a leisurely drive, but the stop for gas and ensuing desperate attempt to avoid the traffic line to escape gas station took a freaking 45 MINUTES! so we were late. our friends whom we invited to attend pig roast with us had to wait about a half hour for us. but we got here. and had a great dinner and time with skip and candy (and met some other nice people who lived in our building). walked in the door to the apartment to find that bella had made a snack of a corner of bill's beloved buck rogers cartoon book. bitch.

my phone rings. it's jax.

me: hello?
j: hey. what's up?
me: just getting ready to sit down to watch football game. what's up with you?
j: i really fucked up. scared myself last night.
me: yup. what scared you?
j: i did a LOT of shit.
me: you ok?
j: yeah, i'm ok. just scared myself.
me: so what are you doing now?
j: somebody's giving me a ride. i'm trying to get home?
me: here?
j: yeah.
J: i need some help. i don't know what to do. let me call you back from a pay phone -- i'm on some guy's cell phone.
me: ok. call me.
j: i will.

bill takes dogs out. i go to bed. hours, i think, pass. phone rings.

j: hey.
me: hey. where are you?
j: i'm at starbucks on clifton. i've been sitting here with ben talking. ben is an old friend from a.a. this is good. what should i do?

i can't remember the rest of the conversation or the sequence of events from this point. it all ended up with jax in the car with bill. bill having me call suicide prevention hot line, the woman calling bill's phone to talk to j, and hours of us insisting that j could not come home, that he had to turn himself in. oh god, this was hard. finally, he did. bill brought him in to police department, asked for a suicide watch (thank god the police were very kind), and left our son. oh god, this was hard. bill came home ENTIRELY drained.

god? are you there? please, god, PLEASE let me put jax in your hands. please? i know it's all i can do, but i'm scared. for the first time in my life, i'm starting to wonder if you're really there. i know that faith isn't about getting what you want. i know that putting j in your hands doesn't mean that you'll take care of him. i just can't think this through. i just can feel right now. and all i feel is bad. please help me.

Posted by Stacey at August 19, 2006 12:02 PM

I have no words of my own but I think these are truly beautiful:

Posted by: KathyHowe at August 19, 2006 06:44 PM

i find myself praying these days too

Posted by: mark at August 19, 2006 09:11 PM

Breaks my heart as a mother to read this, Stace. You and Bill have certainly had more hard knocks than I could have stood.

Though I've never had to deal with bad addiction with my girls, I can understand how it physically makes you sick. Sick with worry, sick with heartache, and sick that you can't make it better for your kid.

My long distance hug is on its way.

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at August 20, 2006 12:16 AM


Posted by: Anji at August 20, 2006 07:47 AM

We give you so much credit for what you are doing. I can't even imagine how you are functioning. How do you sleep, eat or just get through a day. Our hearts and prayers are with you all. Jax is so young, you must believe that he can recover. God bless!

Posted by: Ron and Rose at August 20, 2006 08:31 AM

Oh, Stacey. Oh, Bill. I am thinking of you and sending all the support I can. Oh Stacey. "You did the right thing" is such a hollow reed of support. But you did.

Posted by: Liz at August 20, 2006 11:23 AM

Be calm, be brave. It'll be okay....
To tell you truth I've said it before tomorrow I start in a new direction
I know I've been half asleep I'm never doing that again
I look straight at what's coming ahead and soon it's gonna change in a new direction
Every night as I'm falling asleep these words repeated in my head


i am reading this entry and that song is on my itunes and i've got chills. my hair is standing up on the back of my neck. i want jax to live that and do that. i want that to be my prayer for you and for him -- and that the holy spirit move into him and take the wheel and drive.

fuck. this is so familiar and so painful. and i so want everything to be okay.

much love, deep prayers.
i'm glad you were able to have the moments with m&m and the dinner -- and i'm glad jax called you and you stood up to the coming home. i'm glad he has checked into the jail. i'm glad the cops were kind.

be calm. be brave. it'll be okay.

Posted by: christine at August 20, 2006 11:51 AM

Oh Stace!

Oh Stacey!

Oh! Oh! Oh! OH!

I wish I could take your pain.


Posted by: -d at August 20, 2006 03:13 PM

I am just breathless after reading your post. This roller coaster with Jax is so painful for me...I can't even imagine how it feels for you and Bill. I'm crying with you, believe me.

I love you.

Posted by: moonandsun03 at August 21, 2006 10:53 AM

holy hell, where have I been?

I'm so sorry to read all of this. For all of you.

Love to each and every one of you. You WILL get through this. I just know you will. Little words from a person who hasn't got a clue.

Sending loads of love and prayers.

Posted by: Keri at August 22, 2006 05:09 AM