August 19, 2006

They're Watching

There are times when people need diversions in their lives. I was perusing the stats for this site, as limited as they might be, to take my mind off other things. And I came across this: ( I knew they were lurking out there ... on the fringe, checking, always checking up on me.

Stop your snickering ... you, you know who you are ... they are out there. Checking, always checking up on me. And don't give me that fucking "conspiracy theory" bullshit sarcasm ... yeah, you know what I'm talkin' about. Even when I played in the boys' baseball league back in the day, my team was backed by the company called Check's Printing. I told you, but you never listened. Maybe now ... maybe now ... before I am silenced.

It's like when the Justice Department was visiting this website regularly ... checking, always checking up on me. That was a couple years back ... when I was a subversive ... when I went public about the dangers of using those inkjet refill kits ... and when I disclosed the use of discount shopping cards so that the FBI could track grocery purchases ... and the secret of the glue residue left by those little fruit stickers. You're suppressing that chortle, that cute little laugh of yours, just like they are trying to suppress my lonely voice in the ether.

They? They? You're asking stupid questions now. You ... you know who you are. It's not the unidentifiable "they," about which all those conspiracy theorists whisper. This THEY is real, readily identifiable ... checking, always checking up on me.

Why, you ask, with that wry smile of yours ... always on the edge of laughter. You ... you know who you are. That's right -- I can hear you asking so sarcastically (and don't you dare take that tone with me), "Why you?"

Why me? Why me? Ask them ... they're out there. You have their IP address: ( And they are easy to track down ... PHYSICISTS.

I told you they don't like me revealing their little secrets, the secrets of ... physics ... I told you it was dangerous, but you didn't believe me. You laughed ... yes, you ... you know who you are ... you laughed. And now, proof that they are here ... checking, always checking up on me -- always ... checking ... never ... ending. Physicists ...

Posted by Bill at August 19, 2006 05:24 PM

I just clicked the link.

Physicists are kinda hot.

Posted by: KathyHowe at August 23, 2006 02:41 PM