August 21, 2006


for those who are following the jackson story:

no warrant had been issued for his arrest by either jurisdiction, so he is being held in jail until bed opens again at treatment center. so he's gonna sit. bill and i decided last night that if it was decided that he had to sit, then it would be fine with us. we weren't going to be upset. jax made his choice. oh well. and it was too easy for us to look 2 months into the future and see that it was possible if he got in right away that we'd be saying "damn! wish he would have had to sit for a week or two!"

so he -- and we -- will have to bite the bullet for a while. better now than later.

he's pissed. oh well. oh well is my favorite saying right now. he's safe. he's being fed. he's gonna have to deal with it.

Posted by Stacey at August 21, 2006 12:54 PM

he best only be pissed at himself..... at some point, he has to realize his actions are causing these consequences and the sooner he realizes that the happier he'll be.

(Oh so easily said and so hard to actually do!)

Posted by: -d at August 21, 2006 01:20 PM

so true. it's the cost of chcken nuggets.

Posted by: stacey at August 21, 2006 04:04 PM

Perhaps when he is pissed enough, he will grab hold of the strength already within him and DO something about his anger.

Posted by: Trace at August 21, 2006 11:40 PM