September 07, 2006


  • i had to throw out my THREE herb gardens. fucking aphids.
  • i just noticed that the rock that freddie the frog is sitting on is an amethyst sent to us from south africa by michelle of windspirit. asshole frog. how'd he get that? the other one she sent has been sitting next to my keyboard since we received them.
  • for the past month, i've been trying to figure out where the high-pitched buzzing noise i've been hearing is coming from. every day i check my cell phone, the fridge, anything i can think of. today while cleaning up in the kitchen, i looked out the window to the east to see two guys doing some repointing work on the building next door. smoke coming from their little buzzing sander/grinder thingy drew my eyes to it. i'm NOT crazy. phew. we had to move to get away from the alarm that went off every morning at 8:30 from some watch or calculator/planner or WHATTHEFUCKEVER IT WAS for the last 2 years we lived there.
  • doggies are loving their thrice-weekly bill-the-dog-walker walks. he's a real guy who walks dogs in our neighborhood! our bill (over there--->>) is asked often if HE is "billthedogwalker." he always says that he is bill, and he walks dogs; but, alas, he is not billthedogwalker. we -- and our dogs -- love billthedogwalker.
  • sister pj is coming in from sarasota today for a week. guest room clean and ready.
  • got a call yesterday from treatment center. j doing well. treatment center has been very patient and understanding while i've been working like a DOG to straighten out insurance snafus. should be all and well taken care of by end of today. update: not yet fixed. maybe tomorrow.
  • forgot to mention that while bill and jax were in line at airport on friday trying to get ticket problem taken care of, a very tall young man offered to purchase j another ticket! he, it turns out, was on his way to spain to play basketball. formerly played for atlanta hawks. there are still some WONDERFUL people in the world. he wished j well at rehab.

    added 09/09/06: whoa, nelly -- that sounded like he bought another ticket for j -- nope, we declined his most generous offer.

    Posted by Stacey at September 7, 2006 01:05 PM
  • Comments

    Stopped in to see what you guys were up to. I am sorry to hear about Jax's relapse, but so very happy for all that he is back in treatment. I read your post where you put in his writing 9/2... wow... gut wrenching honesty there.

    Ya know, how kewl is it that that young man works in the Tx center! My first thought was to smile, then the thought of nothing happens in God's world on accident came to mind.

    My prayers for your family for some peace and that Jax continues to have the willingness for recovery one day at a time.

    kathy (aka findingme)

    Posted by: Kathy at September 7, 2006 01:50 PM

    Glad to hear Jax is doing well. I like the billthedogwalker idea. Every time you or Bill write about the walks with the dogs, I have a picture in my mind of Bill; and the dogs walking him :) down 9th street, is it?

    Posted by: Trace at September 7, 2006 06:08 PM

    I wouldn't have expected aphids in an appartment! One of my oldest friends is Di-the-dog-walker, she does pet sitting too, makes a change from banking. Good news about Jax, may it continue that way. There are some lovely people in the world. Have a great weekend.

    Posted by: Anji at September 8, 2006 04:36 AM

    I see you haven't forgotten how to do bullets.

    Posted by: Anji at September 8, 2006 04:36 AM

    hugs, hugs, and more hugs!!!!!!

    Isn't it amazing when you get the gift of a wonderful person popping in?

    Posted by: moonandsun03 at September 8, 2006 12:33 PM

    Just when you think the world is crap... God sends an angel in the form of a tall basketball player to remind you that people can be really great!


    Posted by: -d at September 9, 2006 10:04 AM

    I didn't think he actually bought it... I just thought it was nice that he offered.


    Posted by: -d at September 9, 2006 10:00 PM